Onigbongbo- Maryland
In all honesty, I can tell you for real what the name entail. However, I am more concerned with the way it sounds when pronounced. Go on, try it, O-ni-gbon-gbo.
Don’t bite your tongue.
Onipanu- Along Yaba-Ikorodu road
Unlike Onigbongo, I think Onipanu means some one who trades in aluminum and building materials. So you can be sure that there is/was a popular “onipanu” to earn it a place as a popular bus-stop in Lagos.
There’s ‘Abule Tailor’ (Tailor’s village, literally, lol)and ‘Salolo’ on the Lagos-Abeokuta Expressway and ‘Agbo malu’ (which means cow arena) on the road that leads to Ajegunle, off Marine Beach in Apapa.
Well, we have Onigbagbo (believer). Still would love to know how it came about tho.