5. Paid sex outside the box


Paid sex can also be somewhat heart-warming: there are prostitutes specializing in offering services to people with disabilities or the elderly, so they can experience pleasure, too.

Similarly, a few years back, nurses, patient organisations and patients in the Netherlands debated whether sexual services should be part of home nursing schemes – so far, they have not reached any conclusions.

Sex tourism, on the other hand, brings tourists, often from Western countries, in contact with sex workers abroad. It is a multi-billion dollar business, and, as long as all people involved are consenting adults in countries where prostitution is legal, it is fine, but it often gets associated with child prostitution and human trafficking.

And humans are not the only ones engaging in prostitution – some penguin and monkey species also exchange sex for favours!


  1. 1, the seven demons in her goes into you. 2, you will be open to sicknesses. 3, you will become a candidate of hell. 4, you will become cheap for the devil to enter you and 5, you forever be down except you repent and ask Holy Spirit to take charge of ur life.

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