As reported by Daily Mail, Dian Keller, a 70-year-old mother of three from Florida, underwent a $13,000 partial facelift in February, motivated by friends who had achieved impressive results from similar procedures.

However, the three-hour surgery left her with debilitating pain and permanent vision loss in one eye. Upon waking up, Keller described the excruciating sensation as if “someone had poured kerosene into my eye and set it on fire,” plunging her into agony.

In addition to her vision problems, she has lost sensation in her forehead and the top of her scalp. Furthermore, an incision has reopened, although she considers these issues minor compared to her eye problems.

Medical professionals attribute her vision issues to the skin being pulled too tightly during the procedure, resulting in her eyelids being unable to close properly.

Some medical professionals have speculated that a chemical may have accidentally been introduced into Ms. Keller’s right eye during the procedure, contributing to her vision problems.

In an effort to address her ongoing issues, Ms. Keller is scheduled to undergo further surgery in September, aimed at enabling her eyelids to close properly again.

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