In a thread that’s gone viral on Twitter, a Nigerian doctor, @DrAtangwho has highlighted the nine essential tests every couple must carry out before they say “I do”.
Listing the tests as follows…
1. HIV
2. Hepatitis B
3. Hepatitis C
4. Other STI’s
5. Genotype
6. Rhesus
7. Fertility profile
8. Chronic medical conditions
9. Covid19
The doctor touches on the importance of carrying each test on the social media platform as he urged tweeps to enlighten others with the information.
Follow the thread below,
9 tests you should do before you sign your marriage certificate
1. HIV
2. Hepatitis B
3. Hepatitis C
4. Other STI’s
5. Genotype
6. Rhesus
7. Fertility profile
8. Chronic medical conditions
9. Covid19A thread Thread
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Up to 50% of people with Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s) don’t know they’re infected.
So, first check if your partner has lifelong STI’s like HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Herpes.
Then, check for the curable STI’s like gonorrhoea, syphilis, yeast infections & Chlamydia
Your next concern should be knowing your intending spouse’s #genotype & #rhesus compatibility.
For #rhesus, you can either be Rhesus positive or negative.
If a Rhesus NEGATIVE lady marries a Rhesus POSITIVE man, there’s 50% chance their baby will be rhesus positive.
If care is not taken during pregnancy & childbirth, this could cause Haemolytic Disease of the Newborn.
Next, fertility tests are crucial coz most couples would like to have kids.
You should do at least these 3 common tests to check fertility;
– seminal fluid analysis
– hormonal assay &
– pelvic ultrasound scansThe scans will check the state of the internal reproductive organs.
Also, check if your prospective spouse has any of the following chronic medical conditions;
– diabetes
– high blood pressure
– kidney disease
– liver diseaseKnowing this will enable you seek medical assistance early enough & also make the needed lifestyle adjustments.
We can’t conclude without mentioning the novel coronavirus.
Strictly speaking, COVID-19 is not a sexually transmitted infection.
But it can be passed on through kissing & close body contact, including having sex.
It’s always better to be on the safe side & that’s the essence of this thread.
No matter how mad you are in love with him/her, don’t jump into signing that marriage certificate without knowing your partner’s sexual health status!
Don’t say I didn’t tell you!!
@DrAtangwho9 tests you should do before you sign your marriage certificate
1. HIV
2. Hepatitis B
3. Hepatitis C
4. Other STI's
5. Genotype
6. Rhesus
7. Fertility profile
8. Chronic medical conditions
9. Covid19A thread ?
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— First Doctor™
(@DrAtangwho) July 14, 2020
This article was generated from the informative tweets of Doctor, @DrAtangwho on Twitter.