Hilda Dokubo

Veteran Nollywood actress, Hilda Dokubo who is quite voiced when it comes to social issues in the country, has in a new video questioned “who is lying to the president?” during this pandemic times in the country.

Madame Dokubo took to her Instagram page to share a video of herself reacting to the decision of the Federal Government easing the lockdown in two days time.

The actress says the President made the decision to ease the lockdown based on the strength of a lie and whomever is lying to the president needs to stop as it’s at the detriment of Nigerian citizens.

She gave a breakdown of the potential woes that could happen following the ease of the lockdown and why the decision is not a laudable one — Madame Dokubo explained how the lockdown which has been on for five weeks hasn’t yielded positive results yet and now, they’ve looking to ease it which could make things worse.

She shared the video on her page, writing,

Who is lying to the President?

They have relaxed the lockdown. Your safety and life is now in your hands. Do not relax! Corona virus is not relaxing. Observe all the safety protocols. Any attempt to believe their lies….

Watch her speak below,

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