A Nigerian medical doctor, Ohis Ojeabuo, has taken to social media to share his ordeal after allegedly being extorted by police officers in Lagos state.

According to him, he and his colleagues were on their way to work when they encountered a mechanical issue with their vehicle, prompting them to park on the side of the road to assess the problem.

In his online post, he recounts that while they were attending to their vehicle, police officers approached them and demanded an exorbitant sum of N250,000 for the act of parking on the road.

Shocked and outraged, he and his colleagues challenged the officers, refusing to succumb to such an extortionate demand.

Determined to stand up against this alleged injustice, the medical professionals engaged the officers in a series of discussions and managed to negotiate the amount down to N59,000.

Reluctantly, they handed over the money as they felt coerced by the situation they found themselves in.


This incident has sparked outrage online and concern among netizens, who view it as another unfortunate case of police misconduct and abuse of power by the police force.

Many have expressed sympathy with him and his colleagues, demanding accountability and justice for the alleged extortion they endured.

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