Uche Jombo Asks

Actress Uche Jombo took to her social media space to ask what a age should a child be allowed unsupervised access to the internet.

Knowledge is power, and the Internet can teach kids all manner of topics but not without the supervision of their parents.

What age do you think a child should be allowed unsupervised access??

Technology is the future,I know the importance of making sure our children are highly skilled in this digital age but the harsh reality is ….unless you are going to supervise your child’s online activities they are not safe…the true danger lurking in the burgeoning number of children’s internet chat rooms ( social media / gaming chat rooms)
I know most of these apps say 13years and above (which kids can lie about to create profile) (Today is such an eye opener for me)
Story for another day. Can we please discuss the right age for our kids to get on internet (social media and gaming chat rooms) unsupervised.

Now that I have gotten that off my chest ??‍♀️ good morning fam #ujlovers

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