A woman whose domestic violence video broke the internet recently has come around to defend her husband days later.

Going on Facebook live on her account, Peace Livinus with her battered face, reads her speech to the public about how wrong she was to have infuriated her husband to the point that he hit her.

Moving forward, she emphasized the marriage-is-not-a-bed-of-roses” adage and tried to salvage what was left of her husband’s reputation.

Peace reiterated that she has no regrets in her marriage and that her husband takes good care of her. She therefore advises outside bodies to steer clear from the woes of their matter as “no marriage is perfect”.

Her decision to stick to her husband who brutalized her days back for wearing singlets to take their kids to school has sparked outrage among netizens.

Read some of the comments that trailed:

Ishaya Emmanuella: Don’t you know how to run… Until he kpai you before your brain go reset.

Elizabeth Eshiet: Make God help you. Get ready for the second coming

Favour Mbanugo: Who knows if the so called husband is standing in front of her with belt forcing her to read the script, cos what in the name if marriage is this?

Onomen Audu: Can’t you people see she is under duress!! She is being forced! Please someone should help her

Watch the video below,

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