A man’s crush stated the reason she could not date him during a chat on the WhatsApp social media platform.

For this reason, it was assumed that there had been a talking stage between the two where the girl had been catching feelings already for the guy.

What made those feelings die a natural death was when the girl witnessed the guy dancing for a foodstuff giveaway at some event.

Charity events stage giveaway programs where those interested in getting the products had to engage in some activities.

To some, it might be participating in a game or sport but the guy was made to dance to secure the rice commodity.

It was not just that he was begging for food indirectly, but the manner in which he danced was what had embarrassed the girl on his behalf.

It is imagined that the guy threw away every ounce of shame and danced in every manner possible. To the crush, that is classless and cheap.

Netizens find the reason hilarious and petty, stating that the present Nigerian economy could make anyone forget home training or shame.

To them, food is gold, and doing anything as little as merely dancing is worth doing well, even more than is required.



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