Against the mockery and taunt of netizens concerning his terrible use of grammar and the verbal fluency of the English language, Odumeje Indabosky Bahose has come out to defend himself.
While speaking to his congregation, Odumeje noted that he doesn’t lack the ability to speak English fluently as many claimed and he as a matter of fact, had scored A1 in the English exam he sat for.
His reason for poor English is intentional as he uses bad grammar in a sarcastic way to convey his point effectively to his audience. In his words,
“In terms of English, I have A1 but because sometimes I want to put you under sarcastic or sarcastical”
Netizens found his defense funny and more than one comment to leave under his video. Read below,
@Mazi Ejike: The board that offered that “A1” should cease to exist. Be it WAEC or whatever.
@Kegh Ter: Odumeje is an evidence that education is very important in our lives
@Noble Emmanuel: I believe he said ” i have A1 in Engrish”
@Ezinwanne Diuto: Yes it is true becoz even professors are using his English nowadays
@Emem Enefiok: Odumeje feels like speaking A1 English would reduce his powers , moreover you have to talk in the language the spiritual realm understands