
One can’t help but laugh after reading this hilarious saga between a man and his lover’s stalker, who has been pestering her even when he knows she’s occupied with someone else…

The man in red in the photo above, replied a pervert who was sending sex-texts to his girlfriend’s Facebook account with a photo of him in her frilly yellow knickers.

The intruder knew the lady, Jessica Davidson was in a relationship but still went on sending the suggestive messages, so Karl Hughes, 28, decided to intervene – with hilarious consequences.

When Karl – posing as Jessica – offered the creep ‘sexy underwear’ photos, he donned a pair of Jessica’s yellow size 12 French knickers and replied with the caption: ‘There ya go darling’…





Lol… Now the interloper has to live with this distasteful image in his head anytime he thinks of the lady… Hehehe…

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