As shared by Martin….
A seven man syndicate of young guys who specialize in blackmailing young ladies (especially UNIZIK students) were caught by the police at Enugu. From investigation, these guys were the people who orchestrated the release of the lesbian video of the former Miss Anambra. They met their waterloo when they tried the same trick on another lady who was a former Unizik student but currently an upcoming actress and a model.
Their mode of operation is very simple. They open female Facebook accounts and scout for unsuspecting young ladies. These guys will operate the said accounts as ladies and become very friendly with the said girls. Inundated with promises of making them become celebrities and promising to crop out their faces before posting pictures, these unsuspecting girls will send nude pictures and shot lesbian videos in return for a particular sum of money(around 100k).
Immediately they get hold of these videos or pictures, they will blackmail them into returning the money or else they publish the video or pictures. I, as Martin Beck Nworah, is categorically stating that this is a verified fact because I have seen victims in the past. And even if you do, they will still keep the materials and use it in blackmailing you when they feel you have become popular or achieved something.
In the case of the former Miss Anambra, after extorting so much money from her, she became fed up and threatened to deal with them since she is now a beauty queen. Remember, her lesbian video was shot in her year one in the university even before she dreamt of contesting for Miss Anambra in 2015. When these boys saw they can no longer extort more money from her, they decided to start releasing her video(One single video they decided to cut in parts). They also screen grabbed parts of the video and released as pictures to the public.
While we wait for official statement from the security outfits, this is not in defense of anybody. I promised to physically follow this issue and see to its logical end. Thank God, we are making progress and getting to the roots. Before you form an opinion on social media, please try and verify facts if you can.
For our parents, I have repeatedly begged you to be close to your daughters and provide enough guidance for them. Just try your best and make sure you provide enough for them. Teach them how to be contented with whatever you can provide. We thank God these guys were caught today, only God knows how many ladies they have destroyed their future in the past.
Till we get to the Promised Land, I shall be waiting for when you will pass me a glass of water and thank God for the gift of grace for the race’.
Goodnews! their offense is not purnishable at all.
And so?
Mercy after death
Meaning….and whats wrong wit that…is she not de one on de video, why arresting him…..dey suppose pay am slf say him do well
Blackmail is a crime .
And lesbians are welcomed abi?
And waste of natural resources is good abi
hahahaha cucmber no be friut again na natural resources
Ok wia friut cum come from?? From de factory? ?
Fake news
its imposible to trace the blog/web site owners, not to talk of arresting them
Wrong persons could have been arrested…. D main culprits are too powerful
Dats great…They ar not ghost. Dats how they hold pple on ransom. Persecute they accordinly.
Are you insurport of the police @grace
Who knows if she’s same same too
Idiot God will punish you their for saying this rubbish fool@ grace
even if she did it, pple vidio it, she was not actin blue film, for pple to film her in d act means da vidio is sometin arrainged to use to deal wit her incase she fail in dia agreement, she failed and d vidio leaked…Was dat bag havin a hole dat made dis vidio leak? no, pple leak it, d same pple dat help her won d crown. Do u no wat many pple pass tru jus to be famous, bcos they dnt say it. Am not talkin in respet,of her being a lesbian or wateva, i said that so as to pass d massage across to other blackmailers out dia dat d can be found. dos boys are not even d key suspets in dat leakage, dont be suprised dat important personalities may be involvd. Dias dis lgbo adage dat says lf a rich man tells a poor man wetin im do becom rich, poor man go say dont worry make i remain like dis. Dat vidio was used to hold her to ransom incase she fail in dia agreement.
@James, am not but ur entittled to ur opinions, she was not actin a pono movie, yet pple vidio d whole act….Can u think of d motives behind dis……Lets forget abt dis Chidinma and focus small on d camera man or men, woman or wateva they are.
@DURU SANTOS or wateva d hell is ur Godforsaken name… I no u must be a kid so stop insultin me when u dnt undastand anythin i said…If to say i born pikin wen i begin see flower i for don born ur mate…Go wash cloth dem send u before ur madam go kill u, yabaleft go still bring ur news and me i go comment and u wunt be dia to insult me. Good-boy.
For wat
They should jail her for d lesbianism
Sha de said is 15years in prison for lesbianism…
Yes she should go
It depends. If she committed the act in the video, before the homosexual bill was signed into law, then there is no case against her. However, there are laws against blackmailing and its vices. However, if the act in the video was committed after the anti homosexual law was passed. Then, the law enforcement agency can arrest her. Then, the court will decide.
That is good
Instead of police to arrest the chidinma
Why? But she did it, she is supposed to be arrested
Too late
What about the lesbian?what are they going to do about it?or is she for giving ?
Ask me my dear?
And So Wht??
So wait!!! Hahaha.. Una want make I believe this una tory? kaiiii wallahi I dey craze
Man don finish for dis earth.
arrest wetting? after dem don stop me frm eating cucumber? make dem take time o
my sister check am nah
Is it d lesbian d wil areest or d exposer of lesbian, so if u report a thief u wil b arrested? Foolish police wey dnt knw their work
Is it nt d girl dat was doin cucumber #sex
No is not her
Owk, bt u knw d girl dat did it.
I no trust police
Fake news…
Why??? What is thr offence?instead paying those boys for helping d police…. I don’t think this news is real pls
Lies, don’t mind them joor.
Foolish Police
Wot is their crime nw eh..? Is it nt d so called Chidi that is in d video wot nonsense r they suppose to be arrested abeg make un leave them jor u guys shld face d Chidi gal and d guy that expose is her crime nobody shlf be punish 4 it pls..
Torrrrr no be 9ja again!!, once u are ontop ,u are above the law… That’s injustice oh, Just because she is a celebrity doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be punished for her deeds. As a celebrity Na she is free, can u imagine.. The wrong person is even arrested for the crime of another.
you lack common sense.
Gozie Bosco Okeke.. Can’t u see Dt they are both guilty
Anwana Uye who and who
Ask me…
Gozie Bosco Okeke what do u call yourself u are a moron, what is bad abt her comment now? u must be stupid idiot
Gozie, Pls o, I wasn’t referring to u, Just like anwana said they are both guilty, but then one person is arrested. And that is wrong.
Y dem Neva arrest bob risky nd denlenre wey dy brag up nd down wit their gayism ?? abeg mk we hear word
we should be talking about those ABS people or whatever they call themselves, the police knows what happened and who and who is involved, they are going about arresting innocent boys, the cabals knows themselves. sex is made to be enjoyed by two partners be it man and woman or woman to woman reverse is the case in Chidinma Lesbian saga, take a close look at the girl using the cucumber on Chidinma and tell me that she feels happy doing that
If it’s like that then both of them should be spared .Zu Be Zubby.
Faith Ubanede please don’t say she is a celebrity because to me she is a nobody.
My dear she enjoyed every part of it…
Prince victor to ha too u ar a nobody …
alright am sorry for that.Prince Victor Sugar
Zu Be Zubby u think we don’t know your story lesbian like you bitch
Faith my dear thanks for your understanding
Who dash monkey celebrity..
Abi ur female relatives are all lesbians am nt surprised…if u nt a gay u won’t kno am a lesbian… Na u b my oga at d top na prince… Av u forgotten how your mom use to do me nd ur sisters …moron
My dear ask fellow lesbian zu Be zubby all of them are in uni zik Awka having sex with cucumber.
Miss cucumber is here, keep calm
which kind celebrity? na celebrity for her village? abeg mah hear word…
Moron go nd sleep u I go ask cos na u b d chair man prince
Lol look @ this beast I don’t blame you spoilt little girl
What if there’s more to this story and the said video than u and I know b4 we all comfortably decide who’s to be punished… Sometimes being right doesn’t make the other person wrong. And for u guys here calling each other names, don’t be an online warlord. Focus ur energy on something else.
Lol, Patrick abeg no vex o
Zu Be zubby miss cucumber the second I know where u live @ ifite so be very careful okay
Lol ??????…don’t cry too much u hear local breed…whether u lyk it or not u ar d chair man of gays nd lesbians in Nigeria in fact na u teach bob risky work so why ar u denying dem ??…#he/she goat ..prince
Prince Victor Sugary y r u doing dis to urself ? Can’t u just do as a man n stop exchanging insult to insults. Forget pls. Zu Be Zubby stop pls. Gn to u all.
Lol ??????..Lawrence thank you
She is not a celebrity, de lesbian video made her popular
I tire o
Alright, sorry for that Paul and grace.
Where and how can I get d video. That’s my concern
Desmond Patrick Okorn you can never get to her level until you die.
Prince Victor Sugar and you’re threatening her right? na like this e dey take start o, tomorrow na we go hear or see Zu Be Zubby lesbian video, i hope people dey read Prince Victor Sugar comment o
Y is she nt voicin out?? y is she nt sayin her own part of d story kipin silent is sayin or admitin she did d act.(Chidinma)
Tasie Opara and you have refuse to read where she said they same people are threatening to shot her if she ever say anything
I really see no reason why u guys will not join me to search for my charger instead of fighting for chidima who might be washing her cucumber so dat she can enjoy eating it .
Gozie Bosco Okeke what level are you writing about? She is a nobody just a mere porn star, with wide holes and flat breast. I still don’t understand what u meant by level.
Believe it or not de person that shot that video is a girl, one of Chidimma friend, I clearly saw her hand on the part one of “THE ABUSED CUCUMBER”
Prince Victor Sugar, be careful too, security agencies are monitoring your threats, if anything should happen to Zu Be Zubby, you’ll be held responsible.
lemme me ask one question o…this chidinma sex tape that is making u people fight like agbero .lllll.pls will this fight make bag of rice cheap in thé market lemme join o……
Please my pals,u guys are here exchanging words becos of chidinma,she deserves no pit, she is desperate to become famous, that’s wat led her to do that shit she did,if not,no matter any tin,she shouldn’t HV done that trash she did,so u guys should chill,just saying
D guy’s collecting moni frm her n going ahead 2 blackmail her is dat justifiable let’s b realistic it’s not about chindinma Her personality or ntin but wat is not rite is not rite
Wenever I see those girls called big girls i don’t envy them coz i can’t take such their risk to become popular…Miss Anambra my foot.
Lily Jonathan they take big risk ooo don’t mind all this fellow lesbians defending her. She is a big disgrace to the whole of Anambra people
Nooo, Habah prince, not to Anambra people, Na only her swallow the shame, we no join her share am.
Person wey use cucumber don enjoy am finish una dey here dey cuz una slf…de worst part be say una data no dey finish. …make una send address na make d fight real…
Na fake new……i took ds matter i close
How about she herself? Won’t she be arrested as well? Is Lesbianism not against Nigerian laws?
All this things are lies because they are using it to cover up but think of it can someone make u become lesbian over night without u been a lesbian. Is better for her to look for a way to clear this mess.
people die just because they were forced to have sex with someone with HIV at gun point, wear your brain OK.
Tell me was she force to be a lesbian according to them because I don’t know is lying or not here because some people are devil of their own .
Ijeoma are perfect then her….. Can you remember the sins you have committed and judge all of then together.
Gozie I think u should be the one to wear ur brain ok
My sister tell him that
Do u know what she have cost her family because of that evil act in d name of money now people is mocking her family because of that.
It’s a shame that she actually committed the crime .why are they sounding as if she never committed the lesbian video She did what justice is she looking for she should be arrested too . Anyway girls this is a lesson to all.
My dear lesbian because of money may God help her soul
Miss cucumber part 1, season 1&2 episode 2
Is funny oooo
Gozie Bosco Okeke u must be a gay stupid monkey
Exactly my point!
It is 80 percent posible she did d video on total comand and agreement dis does not prove she is a lesbian, nigerians do worse for money and fame, or u mean dis big men sleeping with mad women means they are into mad women ?
Is only God knows d truth about this whole thing
Exactly my point @ijeoma
I’m sure u hate sharia law where people are punished for some sexual offence… What is the difference between demanding for her punishment and the sharia law?
She committed a crime yes…. The people who are blackmailing her and threatening her life are also committing a crime… If you want to judge then judge it well… Chidinma isn’t going to jail, except say no b dis Nigeria
Ijeoma Onyejiuwa, don’t change ur stand there is no set up anywhere. Every evil one commit in secret God said I will expose it in d open. She want more money & she tried it & it was exposed. Why didn’t they show u doing DAT.
Ok sir
No mind dem! Wetin dem sabi?
That girl is a chronic lesbian so i don’t know y all ds stupid excuses trying to cover her up
But no amount of lies will change anything now coz d video has circulated more than ”Jenifa diary” already so
abeg mek dem free dos innocent guys
who no go no dey know, i pity many of you here who lack common sense one day monkey go go market eno go return, sheybi na the fault of all those people wey dem dey rape die, pray make you no step on people toes.
Dis debate shws d low level at which my pple tink, dat video looks like a normal acted porn deir was enough studio efects in d video it dose nt look like wot som1 did in a room, d manages of ABS oganisers of d beauty pageant should shade mor light cos dis is 100% blackmail high cameras culd b used in changin ones face or u tink ipads are expensive for nothin??
14yrs In Jail, Is No Be Smell Tin O!!! If Na U What’ll U Do?
God bless u IJ. It’s an old habit. Why didn’t she walk away wen d option was presented to her?.
possibly she may not be a lesbian b4 now but because of over zealous to become miss Anambra she willingly did this there’s no conspiracy anywhere but d truth of d matter remains that chidinma okeke is a lESBIAN period
All this is clear indication that she is into right, no cause for sentiment. Wen something is evil, it is evil. Call a spade a spade
My sis God bless u, I Dnt believe this story theres more to this nd people who are really involved are trying to clear Dr names nd set someone else as d blackmailer
That girl we’re talking about is someone’s child. I will advise all of us to leave her and her issues alone and let God judge her. We all commits more than her but it’s only God that judges. I want to tell all of us that that is more better than many of us talking about her. Most girls that are talking all this things about this girl do the same. Which i have witnessed.
Yes dear,I agreed wit u, she is desperate to become famous that y
Der is no need to arrest dose guyz because d girl did it
Arrestthese country is totally corrupt, y should they arrest the guys, instead of arresting the girl for being a lesbian
The guy need to be killed, why invading on someone’s privacy? Is chidinma crime wrost than that atrocities and sacrilege he does in the dark? Let whom ve nt sin be the first to cast a stone on the innocent girl
U talking trash
Idiot.. By their words we shall know them
Abeg close ur mouth
Real trash bro
Shut up’ birds of the same feathers
Stupid fool.lesbian lyk u.moron.14 yrs awaits the likes of u
Miss cucumber
You r from sodom & gomora
laugh wontear my belle
Which one be privacy? Define privacy…. Then, Why the video? Mtchew… I’m not better than her. Let’s accept the fact that she messed up biko!
miss cucumber see dem ,,oji cucumber anra otu
14 years for you
Ewu …God 4bid 4 u…shameless gal…#cocumber dat is meant 4 eating
See this one,idiot, by their comments we shall know them, I’m not surprised ure a cursed lesbian from the pit of hell! 2mrw they will come to social media and be forming virgins meanwhile cucumbers and carrots have scattered their useless punanies,Rubbish
And who is this innocent girl if i may ask? Is simply because she an igbo girl, that why you’re supporting her for doing bad thing, am beginning to suspect some people, hmmmm what a pithy,
Abeg park well enter BRT lane
It is only udat did not hear it was an agreement? Dat she knew dat is d penalty if she stops paying?
Ahmed O Amina what is d difrence dan ur religion marrying u off by age 12 14 to old men u do not even know ?
This lesbians slogan sef “Let whom ve nt sin be the first to cast a stone”. Thunder strike you down. Idiot. You guys are number one problem of this country. No wonder God is very far from this country
Your own will be mis carrot. Stupid girl. Dummy.
my frend shut d fuckup, look at her group of #cucumber_girls
Laugh wan kill me here
Another lesbian spotted #keepsupportingher#
@Desmond ur right Dats der new quote”let whom have not Sin to be d first to cast a stone ” #teamlesbianquote#laughing in Spanish ? ?
Ahahahaha laugh wan kill me…….
Miss cucumber
My belle oh, I yaff dead. Cucumber award nyt.
#Joyce no her own will be miss #sugar_cane #fire_wood
There is a big difference because it’s not lesbianism fool @afroeflex whatever ure called, if u don’t understand english u don’t know what homosexuality means……. and what is d idiiference btw cucumber sex and baby factories, series of abortions and baby mamas by ur pple, religious wanabees, mtchewwww
Hmmmmmmm very sorry for your life.
I’m sure u’re the one holding the camera……
Lesbian alert!!!!!!!
A lesbian spotted
Another cucumber, sorry, water melon family spotted. U better repent b4 ur own deed also get expose to the world…..#teambasket
Ann amaka if u can open ur dirty mouth smiling teeth to call her innocent then u must be a lesbian period no sentiment
Ahmed O Amina, have u seen how our people put hands together to condemn evils? Leave sentiments cos that what is killing you northerners what she did is bad and should face the law, but no tribe is crime free cos your baba disvirgined aisha at the age of nine with other of emirs getting married to under aged children
Na dem dem ooooo
Yes getting married to under age children is better than cucumber sex, if not hypocrisy God designed something that is to enter the punani, they are deceiving themselves with cucumbers and carrots, who is deceiving who! I’ll rather give my daughter out at 13, than for her fucking carrots, cucumbers and papayas! Capish
Ahmedo is a born bastard who does not even know out of 10 men that rapes his mother including Buha. whom to point as his father
Please don’t give that your 13 yrs gal out for marriage to some 70 yrs old man allow her to grow up nd have a better future ,you are a woman and shouldn’t think like that please protect your child at all cost, as for her fucking cucumber if u give her good upbringing she will no is meant to be eaten nd not to use for something else @ Ahmed #protect ur gal child from all kinds of abuse
Birds of the same feather !
Ahmed O plz heed no more to them… Let’s focus wats on ground, meanwhile hahahahahahaha ma belle oo
Nne sorry for u
Killed kwa,na waooooo
Ahmed O Amina ,una pple do this evils most,because of their excessive pretence,am not surprised at u sha,pls think reasonable for once
@ the poster,if this is the height of ur stupidity, den its d last bus stop cux u are about to perish
Go and read the law guiding invasion of privacy,then read very well cases where persons privacy can be invaded. Don’t just write because u ve heard of the word
Na una dey do evil pass by fucking carrots and cucumbers, God frowns on homosexuality, girls at 13 14 no dey carry belle anyhow for ur place, Ewu like you, for a 13 year old to open legs for boyfriends y she no fit marry? Fools, religious fanatics, nonsense
See another cucumber club member oh!
So she blv dis innocent guy leaked d video.
Better check ur brain
i can conclude dah u ar a lesbian
partner in crime
U guys ehn
Ugly gal.. na ur type dey do jungle justice to alleged offenders
Hahahaaaa…Facebook sef na another classroom. Cucumber ke??? Oyibo na vibrat…, naija na cucumber…hahahaaa. Uwa ntòòò.!!!
In chinwetalu Agu’s voice ”ataamu cucumber chidimma”
C rubbish comment its people like u dat should be removed from naija c ur mouth like he should be killed if he wer ur brother u will tell dem to kill him ba. olooku ugly girl
Oh u Even have a son i think he should be killed if he invades any1 privacy ?
Did u jst say her privacy?fine no one is holy but evry one knws wat is right nd wrong.u called an immoral act a privacy,re u telling me dat d almighty God who created us in different gender is out of his sense or dont knw wat he done by creating a woman for a man,he can possibly creat anoda man instead of bringing put eve out of him.seriously we re at end time
Jesus una just leave the matter on ground begin dey take shots at this northern woman.
Ar u a lesbian? What is bad is bad ok
Don’t mind dem @ okorie, wetin come conern you if we give out our daughters @ tender age? I will ask again, cucumber and carrot sex and underage marriage, which is better?
Please, let us not reply as one but says the truth
Stupid girl abeg go sleep or share your data with someone and stop talking trash
God bless u ojare
@fatty, tats not her son ooo, its her brothers’
Amina don’t mind that stupid pretender, she obviously one of them. Lesbianism is a crime under the law. Chidinma should be in jail,those guys who leaked the video should get some awards
I can see you are a LESBIAN!!!
Promoting lesbianism and gay sex and u say we shouldn’t talk, sin na sin yes no1 is above sin but some sins are irritating abeg, don’t joke with God’s supernatural intelligence because sin na sin, our God is so merciful that if he wants to incur his wrath we won’t be able to stand it oooooooooo
Ahmed O Amina, try to to grow up please, what you say on social networks determines what u can say in real life. Who told you that your people don’t do abortion? Who told you that they don’t engage in gay? Was it not the majority of Senates from your northern part that supported that gay marriage be allowed in Nigeria? Mind how you insult people here
Shut the fucker up
By the words of their mouth u shall know them
Ann…u have sounded like 0ne 0f dox foolish women….. If I see ur lesbo video…I go leak am internationally….. Wat The dang!!!
Agatha ohhhhhh see them oooo I know ure one of the cucumber babe’s, oya start mentioning the senators make I hear, cucumber bitch
I no fit laugh una live mater dey talk another thing, brain therapy. well that’s no doubt, she is a lesbian according to Nigeria law what is the punishment suppose to be. Video linked or no video linked she is still the Chidinma in the video (lesbian).
So she too should be arrested 100% but in case of those guys speechless.
Get lost ……… kill who ? it seem you’re proud of Okeke act
Don’t support evil
You must be very stupid to have supported the so called Chidinma.
Ann and co, am not surprised with ur speech because u guys look like one of them. You are trying to quote what d bible say by telling us if u have no sin cast d stone on her, and u forgot dat d Bible also tells u to flew away from sin. So dear preacher ann mind ur reasoning.
Speechless…no i must talk,see devil quoting the holy scripture.
ann abi na anus check ur spellings b4 fooling ur self say u dey comment.abeg who get bb charger 4here
@Ann Amaka, stop using quotation to defend atrocities, for the fact that you’re a lesbian doesn’t mean we don’t have innocent people in Nigeria! You can keep the quotation for your children, whenever that commit evil quote John 8 : 7 for them, maybe you don’t know the chapter, you can write down for your children, that is better way to train bastards
Hmmmmmmmmm, c dem!!! By their fruit we shall see dem,sorry o,,, U dat av sin girl on girl plus cucumber, no cast stone o,e fit bounce back com hit U for face o
m not gay tho..atleast even at d verge of death I won’t do it…but intruding on someone’s privacy is not proper…we all ave our flaws In one way or the other.. chally search urself…are you even holy???
No matter how u try to hide your true indentity,your presentation tells who u are.
@Ahmed o Amina, you must be a very wicked woman, if you’re a man your boko haram will be worster than sakhakaru, the leader of boko haram! What sin will you use to compare your leaders who brainwash you people that when you commit suicide and killed innocent souls you will be rewarded with 72 virgins in hell fire!
Wow am happy for her
Nigeria my country
ahahahahahaahahhahahahahahaahha Nigeria no go kill person with laugh abeg let me be sure on one thing last I check shey lesbian or gay is a crime in Nigeria so what I don’t get why are dey not arresting chidinma why is it the other way around is this country for real hmmmmmm….those boys should be given some award or something for bringing her to book…..
Don’t mind our useless police
They are looking for money
What a shame that they are actually publicly doing the wrong thing without questioning chidinma is a disgrace and a pig someone should be brave enough to call her that….
Yeh right
Na waooo
My brother na zoo we dey
I wonder oooooo
My brother I tire ohhhh
by brother you just hit d g spot
The story is a lie
Dis story can nva n ll nva be true! Wat kind of a lawless country is dis whr d offender has become a hero? D people behind Chidinma cucumber video re only using dis young men to save dier faces 4rm bin huntd by d law if dier is any. If dis guys re rily guilty, did any1 force her to do it? Y wud she in her rite frame of mind do such just to send to smebdy u hv nva met wit just to mk moni? Was dat her rison for gaining admission? Pls dis story is as fake as fake can be…… Guys God ll save u all
If she claims that video was done when she was in her 100level,then the police won’t be able to arrest her since she just passed out and that gay bill was passed on the 13th of January 2014
I’m ashamed of u guys if u don’t no . Blackmailing is an offence on its own
But I still feel this post is false.
Them never catch any motherf*cker.
They are just joking with us
Because there are many secret gay people in Nigeria
Ebosetale Issabel Amanda has hit the main fact about this sh*t post
9ja is rubbish… I don tire dem 4 born me for america…
I tire for naija oo..seriously
@eva no mata the amount of blackmail try me I rather go in for what ever its u are blackmailing me with rather than to give in to gay ahit, I don’t no but from what I saw she didn’t looked blackmailed on the video she was enjoying every bit of her action on the video…….is like u don’t get it imagine this grl to be ur daughter, imagine her to be ur big sis u look up to, imagine her to be someone u share the same name with how embarrass can it be pls nobody should justify her am not against her am only against her been a gay n bringing shame to my state this is a disgrace…..
Kingsley C Nwakaibe if 9ja is rubbish u are also rubbish… Except ur from china?
Where can I watch the video..?? I’ve been searching for it on YouTube but to no avail
Are u not seen that they are arresting ppl now lol….
Na so……
Blackmail is as good as kidnappings so they carry almost the same offense, if the lady had giving them money or agree to their terms they wouldn’t have posted the so called video and by the way can somebody come out and say to the world he or she has never for once made a mistake or sin b4
@Godwin, u will never get d video.
@ oni that is what am saying they should probably arrest her too for sodomie @david lol
How can u arrest two thief ?for committing crime ?
I have d video ,
Is possible….
Kindly like #falz the bahd guy page, scrol down and downld it there @Godwin
oga sir, thank you for your comment.
Sonsy Oge, pls slap your mouth by yourself. If you claim you’re in a zoo that means you’re an animal. Me, I’m in Naija.
Now, if the police deem it fit to arrest the whistleblowers on charges of theft, then the girl should also be arrested for practicing lesbianism period! Let’s wait and see how it all pans out.
No matter what happens 14years imprisonment is waiting for Chidimma ota cucumber
The story is nt tru my dear stop believing them
Blackmail is a serious offence.If those boys were truly against lesbianism they should reported to the right authority with the video evidence.Making the video go viral won’t stop the act instead help adjust their modus operandi.Its obvious the boys wanted their cucumber[penis] there bt it failed. I WISH THE BOYS MERRY XMAS IN POLICE CUSTODY.In their life they won’t blackmail again.
Abraham and Prince what are u people talking about
Nigerians were blinded with hate and couldn’t see that she was being blackmailed. Who has sex with his or her partner looking so stiff and sad (with the camera woman whispering and giving instructions)?
The time we spent criticizing and mocking her would have fetched us some facts about the video but No, we were only interested in the cucumber memes and even saving the videos on our phones.
Well, A country granted her amnesty already and she’s gone. I wonder why they suddenly want to arrest the leaker like he did them no favour. Smh
first she came to tell us it was photoshop, secondly it was those that sponsored the peagentry that were blackmailing her, now it is some group of boys that always like to dupe anambra state university girls. hmm. my submissions; did she do it or not? is it that anambra state university girls do not know the purpose of being sent to school or is it that the school is a place where this girls get the connection of becoming rich overnight through dubious ways? thirdly why allow chidinma okeke move freely when the laws of nigeria prohibits her action?
Holier than thou attitude… y cant u b d police, go and arrest chidinma nah; nigerians and their over sabi
Dis 1 na cover up stories ooooo…….i would have appreciate it more if Chidimma comes out to apologise and not looking for some1 to put her blames on, then put the whole stories behind her and start all over again ………
Lol funny people here
check again blackmail of any disguise is a global crime. world over.
Blessing Gold Ezenwa And what exactly would her apologies help you achieve? “He who is without sin should cast the first stone”
@Gc arinze look at the sky and say to ur holy GOD that u are holy like a saint …..blackmailing is an equal offence as kidnapping, rape,manslaughter. Feel it like this if mum or sis was expose like this will u kill her ….if not expose u may not no. Does that video look like a public video everyone have right to his or her privacy .what if ur privacy is exposed to the wold how will feel….
Tina some of you are just very very good at quoting the Bible wrongly.
Tina Manuel am not trying to judge any1 ok and i am not saying am holy but lets call a spade a spade
Hahaha, I luv this Tina Manuel I needed someone wif eyes 2 comment. Those girls r not lesbian (if u guys have watched real lesbian doing it) there was no emotion in what ever I watched them doing. Common, a lady who took d shots was d one directing d act. Pls if any of u still hav d video go back nw n watch it wif ur eyes open, (4get d act n pay attention to detail) analyze every scene. D kissing, caressing n even d moaning were so fake, 2 show u d girls were new in d game (if not first timers), there was no formal of affection in wat they were doing. True lesbian show much affection on each other when in d act than when in it wif an opposite sex. 4rm d first day I saw d video, I knew it wasn’t a recent video. To me this duo where just on an adventure trip that has now crash landed years later. The fact is, as young boys n girls, we did some stupid things that if played back 2 d public 2day, we would b so ashamed we ever did them. Lesbianism isn’t d only stupid thing most youths do behind close doors, most of us stole 10 naira 4rm our parents back in d day, had s*x in d school toilet, did exam malpractice, joined secret cults, slept with lecturers 4 upgrades, bribed aka “sort” lecturers also 4 upgrades, inflated demands in school 4 extra cash 4rm our parents, I cud go on n on, d list is long. We may smile @ some, frown @ some, cry @ some, hide our faces 4 shame @ some even consider suicide @ some. So even as we take “poor Chidinma” to the Slaughter let us not 4get in a hurry the Bible says “4 ALL have signed n come short of the GLORY of GOD.” N JESUS also reiterated “if there’s any here WITHOUT SIN, let him cast d first stone” d Bible said “they left one after d other until there were no one else n JESUS said 2 her go n sin no more”. I believe we all know we r not Holier than JESUS. #letchidinmabe#
So exposing a crime is now a crime abi..? me I went to school oo
Draging your name to the mud is much easier as it is more quicker to trash your room than to actually clean it up neatly, most of u form the gang that look for quick easy solution to problems that aint solve that way, why dress up silly excuses, like she was in the video but she was not emotionally active and all of that, no kid, i repeat kid, dance to his mom pot to steal meat bcos despite he want to do it, deep down he know is bad, from the analogy, now tell me, how do u expect the okeke to be happily performing an act that her culture and country at large frown at. Some say she was being instructed, even the world class top actors and actresses get instructions, if she never wanted she would have been clear about it ” me cant fit do this ooo am out”. The best news we hard was that a country has granted her asylum, i guess that is a new way of solving Nigerian crimes. Lets not put sentiments over morality, lets not practice selective morality and choose when to be outraged by such shame. The way this case is handle they will be more pornography videos of Nigerians before the year run out.
Nah whaoooo……nigerians, y r nigeria’s police lyk dis.y can’t u arrest chidinma…..well, maybe she has bribed u cos, I know our police like money…..well, remember Dat those u arrested r also human being ND they’ve done u a favour…, release d guys ND arrest chidinma d naughty girl…..ND pls, for those dat r quoting bible, yeah it’s true but, let’s call a spade a spade ND b straight forward cos those dey arrested r also created by God….they r also human being lyk chidinma…..ND lastly, if we want this country b good, let’s stop collecting bribe
Tina manuel so u are proud of sin, when u sin against God or man you have to beg and ask God to forgive u first, then apology to whom u offend, that is why God ‘s love David, so much.this our generation i wonder God save us.
So u can sell ur pride because of money Louis Nya?
I taught is only Anambra men that can do anything just to get money nd firm now ladies are among, Chineke hmmmm
Good. Nigerian stop suporting evil act. Abge
Chinwedu Anthony shut up and find something to do with your time. Dummy
Godwin Sunday,video weh almost all the sites for naija get, na im u talk say u never watch?bro Google it again,maybe na from your
@Chiwendu Chinwedu Anthony I guess u read my post very well, there wasn’t any phrase that stated I gave Chidinma an applause 4 wat she did. I only analyzed wat I saw. I never claimed 2 b in support of any evil act. I can’t sell my pride 4 ANYTHING not 4 any amount. Am just feeling 4 her that’s all. She isn’t d only one in this, over 70% of Nigerian women (married n single) r in2 this shit, most of them r even on this platform condenming Chidinma. There r thousands of Nigerian lesbian videos on the Internet 2day, Chidinma’s case is different cos she now has a name (Miss Anambra 2015). Like d normal Street saying “na who dem catch b thief” Thanks Madam. Have a lovely day
Chinwedu Anthony,with this comment now I know say u go follow for pple weh want make Biafra come.
Tomorrow you guys will be blaming whites for racism while you guys have ethnicity, tribalism running through your veins instead of blood.
It’s still people like you that will come out and tell an Ebonyi state man that they are not IGBO.
May your CHI help u
GC Arinze ur not really educated atall,so u mean they should give the boys award for blackmailing girls n setting them up?so now girls will have to be scared of meeting guys both on Facebook n on social medias?that she acted the sane doesn’t mean she’s a lesbian,frustration can make 1 do so many things,bring her to book u said?for what?they should promote guys that target n ruin girls lives ,oh woaw I must say ur really great,so what’s their gain?as u enjoyed the destruction bet me ur really not different from them,n the same guys they caught confessed n ur still vomiting this,pray it doesn’t come to u n pray u will have to make a whole lot of money to be able to follow ur kids anywhere they go,u don’t judge people cos the way we see things might not be the way it is,I know the story never ended that the truth must come out n here it is n u want to award the criminals ,pray they don’t ruin ur daughters live .. Mtchwwwww
Tina Manuel Thank u so much
Godwin please go and read a book. someone that is getting a university education u sit there and talk about conditions. u are a block head
Oluchi Dim .. Please check the meaning of Blackmail… cos I don’t think they demanded something from her.
@everyone aunty Chidimma is also a suspect to another crime not blackmailing …exposing crime is different from blackmailing there is an appropriate office to report crimes not only police station
Omowumi Afolabi ur a woman when u talk think before vomiting,go n read what the guys confessed before nailing the girls,u don’t know who to meet tomorrow, u don’t know if the person u meet might be the end of ur life,let’s becareful on what we say pls n never judge,if the police didn’t arrest her then it means is not ur doing,the way we judge isn’t the way God judge,so as a woman n ur talking abt arresting her then u can go do it ur self after all ur a citizen of this country,then u will v to ask urself if ur a saint cos as u did some shits behind close doors even the walls see u,so don’t judge.
So i should support evil, if i commit any crime cast de blame on me, i will acpt it apologize and change okay, i can never sell my pride becos of moni, i hav seen deals that can change me and my generation but i rejected it. Let it be a lesson to we ladies,we should stop selling our pride for moni, if she from my state i will still blame her, if she my sis too i will still blame her too.Dagreatest DjSleek am not against any tribe pls.
Hirekaan Terdoo ur a bigger fool cos u should know that, ur in school doesn’t mean that things a very well with u,when u understand life then u won’t have to point fingers on others mistake,that u commented here n judging her doesn’t mean ur a saint,am sure ur even worst than the so called hungry fags,that’s why I don’t accept ppl on my act expect I know u verywel cos people like u might act the same thing the guys did just for money,and how dare u blame the girl when the fags that target girls on medias has been caught n they even confessed not only that chidinma was their only victim but ther so many girls out there that they v ruined their lives n ur here comment shit,oya go n arrest her,bloody asshole.
I love ur write ups #Louis_Nya n #Tina_Manuel I love to see people that doesn’t judge one another. Nigeria is full of hate and jelousy for any celebrity that’s y they like to judge any one that falls a victim of circumstance irrespective of the reasons for his or her actions. Every body has flaws in life.
juddy godwin, am sure u are the type that want the LGBT and pornography to be legalize but it wont. You christians this days only know about Gods love and forgiveness u refuse to understand sin and its consequences. like i said go read a book and if u can read 2 Corinthians 2:15
Did any of u watched d video clip? cos i didn’t c her face like one dt is bin blackmailed der. all i c is someone enjoying herself with her patterns…. Woo betide nigeria police if they failed to arrest nd jail her…. let’s assumed as some of u claimed dt it is bin blackmailed? did she perform d act yes or no? did the police took d so called guys to court cos wot we whr told was it is one CHIEF at a point they said it is ABS anambra boss is d one doing it. today we v different people looking hungry and unkept to cover d act…..FINALLY, IF POLICE FAILED TO DO D RIGHT TIN BY TAKING CHIDINMA ND HER FRND TO COURT ND ALLOW D JUDGE TO DO D NEEDFUL…DEN THEY SHLD B READY TO C OTHER GAY’S ND LESBIANS SPRINGING OUT AND COS we v turn illegality to our norms so shall it b
just reading the comments
Bless u my brother..if u contest for anu political office I will vote for u
Pls o by the way what happend to the original cucumber…cus am scared to buy one now..its quiet a pitty she was cut, now she has to take responsibility for her action…she needs to serve as a scape goat for others hahaha this things her getting too much. She’s suppose to b a role model for d younger generation.what kind of true model who can be ambasedors to this great nation does that. Its a shame….my 14 year old nephew first told me about this. She’s aspireing to be a model. I simply barn her from going to facebook… pls don’t come and teach us rubish with ur carless life oo mrs cucumber…go to jail and come out to be a better peson u can b a multivational speaker this carelessness of urs too…I love u but let models have dignity.
Still typing……………………….
Juddy Godwin, are you a lesbian? ????? Am just asking cause you are taking this shit too personal and it’s prompting me to wonder if you go to church at all or if you have forgotten the “No gay/lebian in Nigeria policy or you are blind enough to understand that this act is an abomination unto man n God. Even though society supports fornication which God is against it doesn’t give us the right to accept this. Are you Juddy Godwin sure you are not from either sodom or Gomorrah? ?????
Ah wonder why people will want to cover up d simple truth…. So, you guyz support d rubbish that girl indulged in… Why was she not arrested.? Abi, she get twin sister.. Some of una here go say nor be she dey d video…. Smh!!, too bad that we see evil and support it
Don’t mind dem quoting bible for me .Without sin should cast d stone oya na lets free dos in prison plus d boko haram cus we all re wit sin.rubbish..M a christian 2 but some of our actions is taking dis country backward.If it were to b in outside nigeria miss cucumber for dey prison dey find who blackmail her..Rubbish
Abi ooo
Leaking the video wasn’t a bad Ideal, the bad thing abt it, is those who acted it..
Do you know y i love Nigeria as a country???…is bcoz u can do any shit here and go scott free as long as you have cash and connection…Is only in Nigeria fish dinies water…She was cut and yet some people are here covering nonsense.
14year in prison
Wonders shall never end
Hm…I might b from dis country but not of dis country… Nice one Tina Manuel
Shebi she was denying it before, she said it was photoshoped, now she acted it in her, 100 level, lol who is fooling who
God bless you for saying that
who thinks d gals r foolish for sending nude pics n doing nonsense,raise ur hands.mtchew,stupid story
PuhahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaHhahha,,, odikwa egwu!!!!!
No let me read this thrash again ooo
Hmmmm…I raise yansh for Nigeria.,them leave thief go arrest who raised alarm, 9ja oye!!!
Good for nothing
Nigeria and nonsense stuffs
Se Nor be the Lesbian should be arrested.
But na fake news shaa
Dey are not both guilty abeg is she not a lesbian? Imagine woman to woman chai!!!
Why dey should arrest de guy.
But why if I may ask, so lesbianism is now legal in Nigeria? Whoever that leaked the video should be celeberated and this girl should be in jail(14years) eating beans and agege bread already. I seriously don’t understand Nigeria ooo.
Na wa o….naija my grt country….dem say e go beta, I dey wait cos wit dis kind of tinz I dnt think so….she shld b arrested nt dos guys
Yaba left una never tire Hmmmm
And if i may ask..why?
The lesbian and the policemen are bunch of fools,the innocent people here are the guys and the cucumber___its only in naija that celebs cnt be arrested__is lesbianism nt against the law??? hypocrites,i knw that her fellows will throw support,well here is mine__”Go get a life”
For what .?? The constitution .. where is it ?? Or is it because buhari is not around . Why the arrest ?? They should first arrest the person that broke the law .
Those police that arrest the girls that leak that video of chidima are homosexuals and they won’t go unpunish.may God sacks them from police
Very good
Nigeria are lawless country without any human rights ,any ways it’s never a new thing when foolish and stupid lawmakers that called there self police will leave a criminal that committed an offense and go after the innocent once who try to expose the criminality in our society, foolish set of people morons, is better they get this so called girl arrested because her case is for 14 years prison according to Nigerian constitution
Pls my fellow Nigerians let fight for d release of dis guys and d arrest of chidinma……#dpowerofsocialnetwork
Fight alone if u feel so concern.
Dey want to divert our attention to another thing…ppl involved r jus too powerful to handle
just imagine!… those guys activated the CIA and FBI mode in them and help the police do their job….now they are the victims??? next time if i see any matter i am to report to d police i will mind my business
?? Oshe. CIA
Iike seriously I don’t have hope for these country anymore the last time I watched news they say IF YOU SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOR NOW so what’s the big deal
then leave, buhari said yesterday pls
After the reggae una better play the blues.
lol, funny country…who’s to be arrested in this case? the leakers or the people that broke the law…well that’s not my business,,,,ABEG WHO GET SMALL PIN CHARGER HERE?
I get USB charger
I get ?????
Com take ham for my house @ Auchi
go buy o
Na big pin I get, u fit manage am?
Check d nearest hold up, alaba boys dey sell
No but can you manage cucumber?
I get bro…but shey u get cucumber too?
Which law? Lol
Nigerians solo porn star has become more popular than most of our female doctors and writers
Dis guy u are a nairalander
I get wide pin charger hahahahahahahahahahaa
Lol I get joor
I get, how i wan take give u? hahahahaha so funny
Nelson Glory…wail bill am na :V
Ask them o..I just tire for dis country.
Niger for real, , police will eat na
LMFAO u guys are just so funny….seriously cant stop laughing
E dey for market
wat about long pin charger
Lolz na pin mouth charger be your problem funny you
Shut up,fool.You are so ignorant
me i get pin mouth oh, i no know weda u fit manage am
I get tiny mouth charger
Hyacinth…my brother why are you insulting me na?
Foolish idiot that doesn’t know what fag means.Even the quietness of a fool makes him look wise.You are worse than a foolish fella.Just shut your mouth.Ignoramus!!!
You are a fustrated pig, who even told you to comment on my post. Abeg carry your wahala comot here. You and chidimma are the same thing, HOMOSEXUALS, bunch of FAGS. hope I’ve now thought you the meaning of “fag”?…Educated dog!
Who is this Hyacinth Mbonu? It’s he likes, insulting people. Take ur time o.
Don’t mind that adult pig
Which blackmailers…hahahahahahah those boys are paid as blackmailers…Are you a leaner in Nija.Curruption can’t stop sucking this country…a country without law.
I get niddle own.
Hahahahahaha you funny dear which type of charger a you looking for
No mind dem, make I find u small pin charger jare
If those guys are being arrested, I bless God for dat bcos u dnt take law into ur own hand, if u expose her,take ur evidence to d police station and not posting such video to the net to kill her pride as a woman
Shut up if you dont know wat to say
U dnt wat blackmailing means, if u do u won’t say nonsense
Nigerians love deciet.when obama supported lesbianism nd likes,they called him all sort of names yet they knw they have gays nd lesbians around. most ppl never complaind about its their privacy but rather hail gej 4 enact d madam cumcumber. another story enter.why cant u ask police to arrest her rather than saying all sorts of things in her defence.let us be realists for once.u abuse obama yet u give excuses for lesbians act
Don’t mind them..ndi ara
I tire oooo
Mayb I. G of police wit her dey swim together
Onpoint…different folks giving flimsy excuses defending Miss cucumber ?
Nigeria is shaking no law can stand on a shaking ground…She is also foolish enough to paid those 2 hungry boys to stand as blackmailers…Curruption can’t stop sucking this country.
The guy has a case..homosexuality is a crime in Nigeria.. I don’t know why ppl are shielding this bitch.. The guy should get a strong lawyer to defend him and jail that girl for her crime.. This is absolutely nonsense
Forget from start…the video was made be4 the law so she’s innocent of any crime…the boy is guilty of invading someone’s privacy
Like seriously? Both of them are criminals
The vedieo was made b4 the law? Thays not true
Hmmmmm Nigeria kenan…hw can only d guy b arrested, yea he Deserve 2 b arrested coz he is a criminal but wat of her daz a lesbian abi wen did Nigeria legalize lesbianism…nd b4 I 4get, D cucumber shld b arrested 2 if daz d case looolllzzz
Fuck the police
Did dey commit any offence by leaking d video especially when lesbianism n gay are illegal by law. So who shld be in police custody? Nigeria factor.
Lazy pipo
Hahahahhahaha….how did the guys get the video becos it was a girl that video it? Are u people supposed to be looking for who leaked the video wen she is a lesbian? Useless bastards
Fake news.
What nonsense…
This lesbian should go to jail…
Stupid country!!
Fuck Nigerian police ….
Watch out for nollywood movie… Chiamaka de cucumber girl
Pls dis guys were d pple who planned and set her up…. she didn’t do it intentionally it was under duress.
Go and watch d video n tell me if dats how duress luks lik
Re u drunk? Am not sure u understood wat u just posted
Emi where u there?
Even if she was set up, why didn’t she say something all this while before the video leaked? Because she was desperate to be a queen. I bet her parent didn’t know their daughter f*cked cucumber until now. Mr judge! If u must punish those guys, also punish miss cucumber cos both committed a crime.
My dear,she was not forced to do that,
She wants to be famous, that’s y she do it
Fake nwes
This must be a white lie if is true then the police are crazy then why not arresting the lesbians that had cucumber sex?
those police should help us to arrest those Fulani herdsmen ??? A zoo called Nigeria where poor’s are carrying rich peoples Cross,,,,,,, God I wander whether your kingdom will be for any leader in our humans zoo called Nigeria,,,,,,,,, rubbish I watched those girlz xvideos several time for this Buhari regime …….
Naija don scatter I swear
If this is true, then Nigeria is an idiot!
God abeg fuck all this mutherfuckers that are fucking this fucking country in a fucking way round for no fucking reason. Meeeeeehhhhn!!!
Lol… Yeah that shows it’s all about fuck.
callin God is not necessary in ur senseless sentence..
What’s ur business Stephen Nwigwe
But I tot she denied it
Ok nah, make I turn my stew for fire
So wat happens to d cucumber seller?
the girl is innocent…things will still come up..just wait and see…for those of you waiting for part 4 make una go buy power bank so that you wont miss,,,,hahahhuhhuhuhuhh…i laugh in french
Well i don buy and charge my power bank but stop calling her inocent , she made an agreement
What agreement, you do there?
can you stand in court and call her a lesibian
Betilla Ekwochi she agreed to making d porn clip for d crawn of miss anambra which comes with milions and a car and fame . Even if she and we all knew she was not d best and the agreement was also for her to pay cuts of all moneys she makes as a model which she refused to keep paying
Chima Justin so i need to call her a lesbian ? When i can just play d 001 and 002 clips ?
How can I get d video pls ..?AfroEflex Eflex
Shut your guts and stop calling her an innocent girl i am suspecting u i guess u must be homo
Innocent you said foolish man you be Gay i see that may God forgive you
If U Like Laugh In Togo Na Ur Way, Maybe U Are In Support Of All Dis Lesbian Stuff?
in as much as I dont support them leaking d video, please don’t tell me she is innocent, she is not.
chidinma u r inexcusable, u messed up big time.
una sabi speak english reach like this…hahahaaahhhuhuhhuhuhayahayahahayahay
Go to court!!!! Arch angels
Innocent?? Oohh, so she was even raped by a lady? Seems u r gay
suzan you are entitled to your own opinion
saint suzan oyenike go and arrest her and me know how much the government will pay you
Chima, it shows u r really daft… You can’t even think like a normal person, is it all about money?? Its a crime in Nigeria to be involved in homosexuality, and this girl has committed a crime so she has to be punished according to the law… So u ppl trying to cover her up are the corrupt ones that we have to work against
Ur a capital fool,,,,,,,, gay
Noting like innocent I am from anambra state
saint suzan,,the sex toys you bought,,who will use them??
Did i hear u said innocent??? so it was also the blackmailers bought the cucumber for her??? There’s God ooo
Lily na only you waka come?????
Pls is der any one with de video. Plz i need to see it.. i have been hearing abt it but am in south afri. Pls some one send it for me tru wasap
@ Ikechukwu Anosike which south afri? Na onitsha south afriiii? Well ask google for d vid.
Am ashame of this Chidimma, what a disgusting act. Make police first arrest she n her partner first.
Is this one of the CHANGE agenda?
Nigeria is all about money nd power
Mrs cucumber @ wrk
Pls let the guys be ….They deserve an award for exposing that dirty girl
Innocent souls. I thought she said is top politician.
Only for Naija
They make d law n also turn around 2 break same law, a country of lawlessness where d connected go away with there crime… Abi i. G of police wit her dey swim together?
If u aassk meee na who i goo aassk the matter wey we de seeee soo e heavy for ground if you aassk mee na who i goo ask
It is good d nigerian zoo police has supported all gay men and women to come out and do whatevrr in public. U are protected from now on
Whoever wrote this report simply want to distract people from reasoning out the truth. How can any unsuspected female send her nude pics or any other dirty video to a random female on FB? I beg to disagree with this report. D real blackmailer is still at large and the true behind the matter is yet to be told.
Taaaaaaa. Rubbish. She is a lesbian. Abeg they should leave those guys.
How did d get d video
I thought Chidinma said it was Photoshoped sorry I mean Videoshopped
Haahahahahaahahaahahahaa criminal case gone bad.pls who is to be arrested in this case..make una do the needful ooooo
Why arrest him while she has not Chidinma have not been arrested. This happens when illiterate is the president
Please commentators, if your phones can allow you to assess the link, please do and read it before drawing a conclusion. The way I intepreted the info it passess, I dont think the headline is same with the content. .Please can someone read it, I dont know if am getting it wrong…Naija na waoo
Why did police arrest the guy? For what did he attempted to blackmail her?
Are they okay, the police??? A beauty queen those that, and you are arresting a good citizen who brought to lime light… The dog should be in jail like JAIL… I ave seen those guys picture in anoda crime.. Let me come and go and go!
No offense pls, my question is where and how did they get d cucumber tape from, were they @ the location when she was shooting dis porn scene or are they d marketers ????lolzz up 9ja,
I think Efcc should do their work here….they should fight corruption
Finally they are doing what they are supposed to do.
Holier than thou.Good job for arresting them.women b ur fellow women keeper.she is not matured in brain so don’t blame her much.
God is the one controlling her I guess.
Birds of a feather.
Lesbain sugger mummy i sight u…be the keeper in ur kitchen…rubbish!
On ur own,u can say watever u gat ur mouth not into that shit.
Take a look @her pix..she is one of dem…mummy lesbian.. Useless woman.
Jobless people,so u have time to check on me woooow
I never insulted anyone here I err my mind.have some respect ok.b matured in ur comments.
All fabricated lies just to cover their lesbian bitch…..she might be one of the bitch they use in satisfying their lesbian act…but wait oooo the last tym I checked I thought this act was 14yrs…..hmmmm Smh for this kountry
May thunder fire those police instead to arrest chindinma wey dey practice lesbian. God go punish them.
Chidinma and her lesbian friend should also be arrested and given 14yrs each.
Your honor, is that the judgement you will give in your courtroom? #JustAsking
Lol of course yes
If a crime is committed,yu report….not up load via social media…they deserve what they get.
God please give me more grace to be contented with what I have I know am human and temptation may arise I pray you give me the grace to overcome it in Jesus name amen #myprayers
I am not surprised they are arresting them cause they are charged for blackmail ,if they took the case to court it should have been a different case and the video should have been used as evidence but even after that Chidinma is supposed to undergo serious scrutiny so that they could reach a compromise and either arrest her or call of the case, whichever may be the verdict .

The foolish,useless bastards lesbian, still not arrested? Na wa
If a Lesbian is a criminal…cyber bully is also a criminal.
Better to sound as lessons to others.
The story is a lie
So the issue now is not the absurdity of the act, it is now about the guys that condemed it. You people are crazy. My advice is , Chidinma Okeke , next act, get a giant cucumber and pass it tru your anus to your mouth. Nonsense !
From photoshop
To oga of ABS
To chief that sponsored
Now UNiZIK gang of blackmailers
Pls I want to change diet ,suggest another fruit or vegetable one can take apart from Cucumber. Went to buy cucumber as usual but i was told to go to Anambra State to buy .
To engage in a sexual act does not necessarily define or categorise yu as gay/ lesbian…
Why will dey arrest him na did she not do it ni
Ok,whatever happens,the deed has been done. Everyone should move on.
me am nt against chidimma nor am I with own is dat all dis story is make-believe story,all dis will make maters worse..frm de post dey said de video was done in her year one..dat means our queen was actually a lesbian,.hmm it nt all abt exposing de blackmailers chidimma said she no do say she come frm good family n here de poster said she did it in her year one.. honestly I tink de way to end dis is for her to open up like one OAP did last week(if she is guilty) or keep clam if she is innocent nt she telling us she no do n her fans(money finders maybe) will tell us she did in year people lie don enter ram..bikonu allow dis tin to die gradually..I hate all dis chidimma okeke dis,cucumber that or miss anambra dis.. e don do ooo
Tarr go n sit down.. Good family kor godly family ni
no be me talk am oo nah chidimma abeg no take out ur agression on me biko
Dis story can nva n ll nva be true! Wat kind of a lawless country is dis whr d offender has become a hero? D people behind Chidinma cucumber video re only using dis young men to save dier faces 4rm bin huntd by d law if dier is any. If dis guys re rily guilty, did any1 force her to do it? Y wud she in her rite frame of mind do such just to send to smebdy u hv nva met wit just to mk moni? Was dat her rison for gaining admission? Pls dis story is as fake as fake can be…… Guys God ll save u all
Bringing different stories for cover up. …. big lie…
This story is complicated. Last time she was forced to do it under duress. Now another story. Abeg, let me come and be going
Wat are dey arresting for after seeing her pusy
Ayam here to give awards to the best comments here.
I can see we have so many lesbian here cos I can feel it through there comments is okay no wahala oh but Bible say no the truth and the truth shall set u free John 8 vs 36 I rest my case
Hmmmmm Esther Ibejekwe r u one?
there are many secret gay people in Nigeria
Call a spade a spade
Who is to be arrested? Has lesbianism been legalised in Nigeria? What a country!
In Nigerian u catch a thief and u will be beaten for catching d thief. …. d story about arresting d boys is even a lie… so was it dis guys that threatened to kill her?
This is what I’m saying anti Christ is here the agents of Satan 666 there are here now like play like play dem do dey support gay for Nigeria
They want to cover up the real story, chidinma sold herself for fame, I am very sorry for her
Everytin is up side down here
After they hv pay those people money now d story hv change Nigeria
If i may ask,who video d stuff.all dis re just pure blackmail
Her female friend, watch d video u wil see her fingers
I hv not watched d video
LEL… Laughing extremely loud
If this story is true
Why would they arrest them since same sex relationship is prohibited in this country or is it bcox they blackmailed her.. I’m not understanding o 9ja I dab for una o
Better for them fools
I only came here to read d comments.! Low battery !!!
Why the arrest? I think those guys did a wonderful job by reveling the other importance of cucumber..
I don’t believe in this fake arrest,cuz if u watch d video very well u’ll see a female finger nail painted with sea green color that’s d girl they should arrest let her explain how the video got leaked. And how come no one is talking Queen Adaobi The face of Democracy? They were three in that room..
True lies! This post is to divert attention. Its ridiculous.
Wonders shall never end, Chidima should be arrested immediately without any delay
This chidinma girl no get shame
So wat?how does this shit affect the price of a bag of Rice? Fucked country
So lesbianism is not a crime anymore?
How many of you still stand with Chidimma? This country tire me. Why not arrest her since she went against the law? If you see a man dressing like a woman, they would tell you not to pass judgement cos you have not caught him in the act. When you catch the person, they will arrest you and free the person that brought the guilty person to the limelight””” what a yeye country
Lol funny gal
I tire for them
Cucumber girls award night , cucumber gang,
” MoTTo: #he_that_is_with_no_sin_be_the_first_to_cast_a_stone ” ,
we know you all cucumber people
You guys must take us for fools to think we will buy this cheap lies about them being responsible for chidimma’s video ..some powerful people are trying so hard to cover their tracks
At GC Arinze ,my dear you are right,a country filled with insincerity and corruption, instead of arresting the culprit and her gang,they are arresting people who did nothing wrong,was she blackmailed,the video she was the one in it,there wasnot any atom of force or undue influence,she enjoyed the act,let’s face the fact, a country with poor leaders, will have sick Executive,legislature and sick judiciary, if it was not Miss chidimma okeke,may be another person, I or even you yaba left members will either be languishing in kirikiri because we have no say,
This fake news will be from chidinma and her group to cover up their shameful act thank God you are fully exposed
Me wey i like cucumber before i no dey eat ham again mtcheew
Baba is fighting corruption oo tell me he has not heard about it
99% of ya’ll didn’t even open the link…… Hahaha umu Africa
Arrest d babe too
Ilu ti kosi ofin ko si ESE nbe
Nawa oo
So the stupid and unprofessional Nigeria police arrested the people that they are supposed to give ransom for unveiling the offenders to them and left those lesbians go unpunished?
That’s why i don’t have single hope on npf coz they don’t know their work. can’t even report my matter to them!
In my own view, the blackmailer and the lesbian should be arrested bcos they both committed a very big crime. Well….. e no concern me shaa, hunger don finish me o. Abeg una get garri here? Make una give me small.
I agree with you Ebby
Wen I brush,I go comment,mtcheeew
may nigeria releas the guys and arres the girl,no matter who she be the should arres her
Abeg the guys are innocent, who video it, what of the girl that was arranging their legs.
Dey av no rights to arrest him wat kind of a country is dis? Wen will corruption end. Dey should release him wit immediately.
Thunder go fire those mamafuckers that made cucumber costly
Y dem go arrest d guys y can’t dey arrest d chidinma her self 4 her stupid behavior u c dis our Nija watin we suppose do we no go do am
So now same sex is allowed in this country?? Who’s to be arrested? The girls in the act of the person that leaked the video. Well dis is d beginning of same same in this country, now nothing will stop them from showing there same sex act to the world.
. Mmnmmj
Chidinma or wat ever u called urself u must be ashamed of such act, talk more of cutting on a video, if I where you I will leave hole thing d in every away, u might think dat d media or government wants to help you but they wants to help u tarnish ur image the more or better hid urself under ur bed for now, don’t forget Buhari said no to Ubama, it’s a crime…….25yrs imprisonment
Lol she dosent care about u
I don’t think a stupid yoruba boy like u should comment on internal affairs of igbo’s dat u know nothing about
Who is talking about care or care nt hia
Daniel u are very stupid. He is very right,
Am disappointed on so called men reaction or comments on dis, anyways u guy’s r kids to say………
Daniel be careful words can never be retrieved
This is stupidity because, if she did not perform supe, no one will have any videos to leak.
Imagine,9ja can never change,abeg who get that video,send am to me make I watch again.
This yabaleftonline I can’t believe any of your lies stories again.. Unless I see the video of ur story here… But for written post here noooo. Una dey lie. Fuck you yabaleft
Sorry let me even call u a name u deserve,… Shameless thing……
Who is guilty here? The lesbian or the man who made her secret and evil practices known to the public? Police work, baga job.
Cocuber way be my favorite fruit na e this stupid gal dey use do rubbish, na their type dey shakara 4 man pass Rubbish… Mk una beta leave those guys nd face Chidi i repeat they r nt suppose to be blame or punish, but Chidi Naija to hate truth nd beta things…. Free d boys…. Free d boys l….. Free d boys….. Nd face Chidi they r innocent guys… Fools
Na wa ooo nothing wey my eye and ear no go hear and see for this country.Abeg I wan go buy ice block heat dey do person.
Iyami! Typical… They way Nigerian police rush to crime scene 8hrs after the crime was committed. Besides, Lesbianism and gay are both illegal under Nigerian law. So what are the (MIB) doing?… I’m kinda lost here.
Be lost
If i were to go by dat story i just read abt dis cucumber girl. It simply indicates dat d cucumber girl intentionally participated in d Lesbianism thinking they will giv her 100k for d role. This girl nd co ar suppose to spend 14years in prison if what was said abt them is tru
Which one is cucumber girl now
Watch the video before commenting. . Whoever said she was forced is a very big hypocrite. . The speed and manner she applied in sucking her fellow gal no be today work.. she didn’t hesitate to do that.. she is not a learner jooor.. and again we need an Evidence showing she was blackmailed. . For example
1) a text message
2) chat
3) voice call or video call threatening her to do such
4) Add your own
I luv ur comment@ Amarachi Pinksoul Obinna
She is an expert in that nothing like forced
Amarachi Pinksoul Obinna, no body is blackmailing that porn star, that is what her accomplices were using to defend her, but only gullibles will believe their concocted stories!
The guys were wrong to release the video….. but also Chidinma also committed a crime under the Nigerian law…so she should be arrested too…she is both a victim and an offender…
So you can harbour a criminal?
How do u mean?
What a funny update
Haaaaaaa and y d arrest? F last tym i check I thought lez and guy is a crime and should b kept in jail for 14 yrs?
Story for the gods
Is police supposed to arrest dem or Chidinma and sentence her to fourteen years in prison?
Dis news is fake jor
We re living in a country where lawlessness abides… This is the same country that passed a bill of a 14yrs jail term to be metted on anyone caught in this heinous act now bcos this dirty stupid girl that prefers cucumber to an erect cock is a celebrity now we re encouraging evil instead of condemning it. Tufiakwa
I like ur presentation
My brother, God bless you. Let them continue fooling themselves… If at least one person is jailed, the rest will appreciate men.
PREACH!!!! my broda
Nigeria is only a country where fish denies water
Which Celebrity sef,I never knew her until this cucumber saga, d country na yawa
Those responsible for d leak of this video must have given her orientation that after d leak of this video, she will get fame,this is my guess.
did dey make her eat her friend i do to dirty things stop
call spade ♠️
Una too dull sha, this is common sense nah and it A pity the journalist and police force dont have it, fabricating lies, do u guys tink we are moron? Liers
Na when one renowned newspaper carries or… Then we will believe it or
I’m only upgrading my Nokia 3310 here. Yaba left can I borrow your charger if you don’t mind.
How is that my business ?
Pls am selling otapiapia, wholesale and retail.
Abeg na when naija go change.when even police go see green tell u say na red be that…..
I don’t even believe dis guys parol is related to Chidinma’s own @ all abeg make Una go sit down
We r praying for you wil b released so we can complete d movie we need to knw if the cucumber later died(break) Anticipating for season 3 cant wait…God will save u..u must complete ur assignment on earth…
Lol! Badoo u go wait tire nah
U still find me come here
Lol! No b only find u cum. I was marveld to see u here too
Y arrest do they do did bad work?
Francis Francisco send me the video pls
d real truth is dt miss chidimma acted a lesbian video as requested by her godfather who paved a smooth way for her to win d contest on a platter of gold.period!!!.forget dis cock nd bull stories.If u kip paying ur dues to ur godfathers,such a shame cn neva come to u.But she became ignorant.dem pay her wit a bad coin.Pls advice her to settle with her godfathers period!!
Yabaleft, una don still come again wif ya lies, hmmm nawa o
This story sounds fake guess those involved want to turn the truth upside down, who is deceiving who?
It’s just like what cheaters do, when you found a cheating text in their personal phone, instead, they will pounce on you with, how dare you go through my private stuff?
This is a big lies,this blog should stop posting fake stories it makes no sense to me.this is not true,those guys don’t looks like people who uses camera phone or even computer literate,not to talk of uploading videos on internet,rubbish,abeg make I continue my sleep
Na the thing wake you up from sleep
I dnt realy tink she did d act cos d video has studio efects or was she a porn actor?? dis is pure blackmail by her enemis.
Thank u
I’m here for comments oo!
Iranu country
Not real
Nigeria do not have news.
Very soon pawpaw, plantain, sugarcane, yam, carrot watermelon, bag of rice, pipeline, electricity poll will be use no more cucumber.
Gay and lesbians need to be punished it happen in Sodom and Gomorrah and they were punished till tomorrow Sodom and Gomorrah are still on that punishment….just because she is a celebrity that why they like her go what a shame to Anambar state government and Nigeria aswell
@ ugwu bring ur phone….i get charger
that’s good, I wonder wot d gal did that will cause such blackmail
I have now seen 14yrs imprison for lesbianism was a properganda , instead wen once u are confirmed to be one an award will given you and your xposers will be punished instead…. So lesbian is legal, gay is legal in Nigeria!
My brother, the police never arrest or charge them to court. Rather they’ll prosecute a man that’ll steal a bag of rice because he’s hungry. We make laws but never implement it. Those girls should be in jail by now.
Nigeria is more devilish than American from wat am observing now..
#hmmm nigeria, why not arrest #misscocumber before any other person? infact they should pay him for exposing the rotten act.
Ah,I tot its the lesbian that is to be arrested ,why the guys,people that made work easy for u the police now u arrest them ,so what the lesbian did is right or what are u trying to tell me,instead of you people to make them show u all the lesbian videos they have so u can arrest them all,reverse is the case,that’s Nigeria for you,once they see money their brain will malfunction, if that the lesbian is a commoner ,am sure she would have been beat beaten and jailed by now.mumu people cheeeeew eye service in the highest other .OK even if she was forced to do it,the videos that are even not one but two or 3difgerent videos shows she was enjoying the stuff and no single sign of worries in her like someone who was forced or compelled. Make una go play for Bush abeg.rubbish .the actress who reported herself as a lesbian when one grinding stone headed guy threatens to leak her video was said to be arrested after the confession, what then stops you from doing same to this small girl. Nonsense .
They said homosexual is punishable by law,I wonder why she is yet to be punished for her crime,while the innocent is been punished. Wake up nija. The more we see,the less we understand.
whats happening? can u imagine
Corruption has eaten the world to deep Gush
Shebi she say no be she d d video?? Anyway, thanks for ruining cucumber fir us
And they didn’t arrest Chidinma Okeke?
Meanwhile, what happened to the same sex punishment?? She should be jailed for the act.
that is nigzooria for u
For those doubting that lesbian ain’t on Facebook.. I’ve à Friend on Facebook that have told me about countless girls there, begging to make love to her..
Why should they arrest them
I think the young lady should be made to face the law, for defiling herself with a cucumber three times bigger than the size of some wedding-tackles.
Issh people that they are supposed to arrest for lesbianism they didn’t what nonsense
That’s why this country will remain in bandage homosexuality and lesbianism is not been Accepted but still the still go after the people that leaked the video instead of to lockup this silly Chidimma okeke and her disgusting partners they went ahead to arrest the people that exposed her evil act if I where this boys I will sue the Nigerian government to court #saynotochidimmaokekeandhercucumbergirls#
He is a Vitim of nature
It’s only in Nigeria that someone gets away with whatsoever especially when you’re a celeb.. This babe should own up to her sins, I’m tired of seeing different headlines on this story. Gradually she’s being pushed to fame. I never knew miss Chidinma until this cucumber saga
Seriously I never knew her. This story is really making her famous. Probably she’s even happy 4 d recognition Nigeria is giving her now
If Na person like me now wey no get money dem no go talk anything
Perpetuators should Not walk free though l Don’t support lesbianism
I don’t support evil but trying to destroy the girl’s image is very bad act. So therefore they should be punished. Besides i wonder why a girl will let someone took that kind of video if she was with her normal sense. I believe everything was setup to destroy the girl. So let’s not judge the girl
Don’t dey mount n hide CCTV cameras.. She’s d mofucker in d video.. Then what’s she now saying
I don’t know who is the girl either but let’s not judge
Let God judge her and thoes blackmailers
you people are hère talking of chidinma that is enjoying herself…please instead this story make una bring topic of how garri and oïl go cheap for market na…
even rice that one na d’y vest me pass because i like MTN rice o
Register n trade ur money on bitcoin, u won’t complain of price of rice n oil my dear
My dear she is nt enjoying herselfoo. She is indeed in pain and indoor. D gal is dying slowly. Please put her in prayers. I know she has committed a sin Bt d way d media took dis. Was really high. Is all over d world. Forget dis arrest stuff is nt true, is still under investigation, d politician is doing everything to cover himself up and deciev d public. And dnt want her to talk to d media abt everything.
pls can u register me so that i wnt complain anymore is like u are thé C E O of bitcoin’
@prince chineye mounanu, you are a suspect, the girl is enjoying herself, why can’t you act your porn video and join her to enjoy too. People with deranged mind, may God help you ladies!
n may God help u too@Ezeh u dont sin?i dont have any problem wit anybody am just after d bag of rice to cheap u hear
9ja fool ode de worry mumu police.person name him dog they arrest him.i never see where d law de for Constitution,now again person don fall law we de construction police come leave aam come de arrest pple we want make justice prevail.Nigeria nawa oo
lesbianism,gayism,ritualism,blood money, fake doctrine,commercial worshing centre and other evils will be the order of the day as a sign of endtime and the coming of anti christ,those who are not part of those evils should keep praying hard for god protection,these people are so powerful and every where controlling everything including govts,commercial,sport and entertainment industries, they are even leaders of some religious places, nobody can stop these evils,they are the soldiers of anti christ clearing way for arrival and surely he most come,
And what did they do to the lesbian chidinma?
I think the news should’ve been that Chidinma has been arrested because she committed a crime against the Law of the Land. Really this APC CHANGE has really affected everything in Naija
what are their names pls?
End of d wicked
The girls also sold their souls to the devil by committing this immoral act bcos of money
They don’t know anything about that, I did
Them wan change the story
Who is deceiving who
Even if i am am to check dis mentally and oda wise even if she (chidimma okeke) was drugged she wouldnt have done d cucumber stuff if she wasnt a lesbian at initial and i also read and heard dat it was d ABS md dat leaked d tape abeg ooooo
Wats going on in anambra
Wats going on in Nigeria
Shame on u chidimma okeke u re a disgrace to d ladies all ova d world u re practically a beast
but she denied it b4 now, that it was not her in d video, hmmmm make ona dey carry us play
nija nd change,i dey laugh
Good, they must return all the money the collected from her
OK we don hear
Nigeria is indeed a funny country,arresting them or shud be applauded for exposing such shameful act…indeed nigeria is where nothing works…
Hahahahaha bribe dn cm 4 d show. We d watch
Media please I use the name of God…..leave her this point she is suicidal.just leave her for now to be at peace.
Nigeria oo.. Sure buhari can cleanse dis nation of corruption..??
Cus shez a celebrity, hu d fuck cares she broke d law n she has to be punished for DAT..
Na fool the police be na, if really then arrest person because of lesbians
Enos Survival Chimchezulem
See m, all dis guys dey are jus lookin for traffic in Dia page to gt moni…. Derefor dey are jus lookin for ur likes nd comments
The deed was conscientiously done as seen in the video, why waste taxpayers money?
Cover up
Nigerians were blinded with hate and couldn’t see that she was being blackmailed. Who has sex with his or her partner looking so stiff and sad (with the camera woman whispering and giving instructions)?
The time we spent criticizing and mocking her would have fetched us some facts about the video but No, we were only interested in the cucumber memes and even saving the videos on our phones.
Well, A country granted her amnesty already and she’s gone. I wonder why they suddenly want to arrest the leaker like he did them no favour. Smh
Only because you not seen the second video to also observe how passionate and excited she was when performing.
Chigbo Peter I refused to argue with you
U better not
Yeah; right!
Which country is dat. She still in Nigeria. Ve nt gone anywhere.
Paula Chisom Tell me more dear. Since you know her too well?
Dey should arrest miss anambra for using cucumber for artificial operation.
Chidinmma is a lesbian and a highly ranked one which am very sure that she have initiated a lot of our young ladies into the act. And failure to bring them to book will b a very big harm to our society and womanhood
Y police arrest am are they supporting the act of lesbian no b the chidinma they sopose arrest naija sha
Which kind fake slay queen kum b diz one??she once said she’s nt d facz in d kum has it now bkum(the boys hu leaked chidinnma’s sex video has bin arrested? Dahz inequality b4 d law.she should punish.Biko
Story for the Gods.. This looks like they are supporting the Chidinma girl
So its not a denier
Is police tries to abet her. There’s Godooooooooooooo
All these people condemning Chidinma,,, u guys r doing worst tins dan dis …. So pls knw how u condemn her or else, if u do anytin worst dan wat she has done, God will expose U, punish U and you will regret being alive…
My dear broda no one is condemning her here,are u now telling me wat she did was right?although no one is holy but pls will u b happy knowing any member of ur family is engage in dis ungodly act?and u call dat condemnation if dis video was not leaked d act won’t stp,there will b no regret but now wen d video has been leaked u call it judging,condemnation and all sort of tins.pls let call a spade a spades
I’m not saying dat wat she did is good….. My point is dat, 70% of people dat r carrying dis matter on dre head and condemning her are into d same lesbianism… Go 2 ur bible and read about d woman dat was caught in d act of adultery,,, check wat Jesus asked dem….
U said adultery,but way we are saying here is not abt aldultery its abt d same gender committing an immoral act,even d bible u referred me to is even against adultery go to ur bible nd read ur ten comandment,go tru d bible nd read abt jezebel d prostitute d way she died not to talk of d sin of gay or lesbianism.pls stp turning d bible up side down
She’s hunted by her choices to life…
the video I watched didn’t look fake at all and it was not as if she was forced to do that, she started the act even before her lesbian friend came to help her, every thing was clear. so why arrest the wrong person, the constitution stated that every one is equal to the law but Wat I see in Nigeria is that the rich people are above the law, then how can the leaders say they want to eradicate corruption when even then are the source of corruption.
Please how can I get the video
Where yo get the video….been searching for it tho….
I have it in my phone it was sent to me by a friend
u should go to www.
See naija ppl and lie.. Chidinma okeke is d criminal here, why will she send a nude picture and a video showing an act of lesbianism to a lady? We’ve once heard the news that it was the company they work with that force them in to lesbianism and now u said its from Facebook?? Nigeria!!! When will you give room for righteousness and justice?
Story Story Storyyyyyy
Why she dey do lesbianism
Thank God for exposing them
Rubbish why are they arresting them?…when they are meant to be encouraged?…
Corruption everywhere you guys are suppose to arrest chidimma and Co not the person that leaked the video
Let them arrest all cucumber sellers and cucumber itself because they are the cause
Tell why Nigeria should be taken serious.
She wanted to be famous n she knew that she had options to walk away from the mess n loose d crown but keep her integrity.
Instead greed 4 fame blinded her n she decided to short change us of our God given cucumber.
Instead of the police to arrest her n make her face d 14 years penalty.
They are telling us dat d guy who leaked d video has been apprehended.
How did he get d video in d 1st place. Since it was a blackmail. D recording cucumber studio would be well secured.
Failure of our police n laws of d land.
A big shame to the lesbian in question. She had d chance to walk away.
I don’t support rubbish.
The police should bury their face in shame. Abi them follow use nature cucumber to cook this leaked video arrest?
I thought we have a law against lesbian police should arrest chidimma for lesbian
is the police promoting lesbians in our community
Is she a lesbian? n why all the dust? has nigeria accepted lesbian as a practice or way of life?
This guys helped you to catch a culprit why holding them instead of the culprit. …police and naija system of handling issues. ….na wahoo oooo. …
No, they didn’t help to catch the culprit but they are criminals who prey on young wanna be girls in the uni to get money by blackmail. think of it, it could be ur sister. Read the true story
Go and arrest chidinma and leave dos guy alone…. Foolish policemen…. Is lesbianism not a crime again? Una no know una work o…. Mumu police
Oh now back to Nigeria….. I know this will happen
Lemme say somefin most of u here that commenting shit here and there ur just pretenders and hypocrites UV done more worst things than the devil in particular…. I’m not supporting the girl oh but I try my best not to judge and post stupid and unreasonable comment
Paul Nnaji were you there ? at times we jump into into conclusion without getting d full gist…u dnt knw d law more Dan d police officers…. She might have acted it under undue influence …
Since she acted under duress, who did she tell or reported to? Why wait till now?
Den one question you should ask yourself is y didn’t d guyz leak the video with their real Fb account…
Grammmer that’s all Nigerians know and things are spoiling seriously.
@ Francisco franciscosan, if you are not paid for your preposterous comment, then you must be suffering from a disease called schizophrenia! Do you think everbody is stupid like you to believe concocted stories! That your girlfriend is a porn star! Abomination!
Hehe… Dz ppl can lie eh!!! Dey want to cover up everything…
Ikenna adiele must be a gay. I see dat
The question here is not if anyone is being caught for blackmailing chidinma, the point is that chidinma actually committed the ungodly act labelled against her. Any man or lady who is supporting her must be a culprit of using the same cucumber. As for me, a spade is a spade. Other secret chidinmas should desist or be exposed like the former.
U guyz should not forgt dat blackmailing is also an offense… And going by section 36 of 1999 constitution Chidimma is not yet a lesbian until her case is proved beyond reason doubt that she actually committed d offense….so dnt pass judgment here bcos u lack d locus to do dat…..
Shey u guys don’t know dat everything is other way round in Nigeria
U shouldn’t be surprised
Naija. Ah hail una ooo
MOST Of us are here saying thrash d problem at hand z DAT people can’t even mind their flunky business .u people av already concluded as 4 for me I will nt jugde anyone CU’s I am nt perfect this story z between she and her God. I rest my case here
This is injustice, and this the kind of case am looking for as Barrister, because it has been stated in d constitution that anyone caught doing this Sault should be????……so let d innocent guys go or else I will intervene and when i intervene I will get u decrease…..celebrity my foot no one is above d law, everyone gat to b treated equally.
This is nonsense, arrest dem for what?!!Nigerian police will never change
Y should they arrest them she disobeyed d law
Very fake story anyway…bt last time o checked she too is suppose to be arrested and hoping fr 15yrs imprisonment fr engaging in gayism abi our constitution don change?
Rubbish story!
u mean am? which kind life?
who is to be arrested here? why has chidima who committed a great abomination still walking the street comfortable. is this how biafra is going to be in case they get independence I am disappointed
Gbenga Benjamin, you must live long, only you understands what i feels, am nt in support of this bt i don’t judge either, all this pretenders ve killed even beat up their parents or grand parents yet judging as if the wrost has happened… I repeat he who ve nt sin should be the first to cast a stone… That’s what Jesus Christ told the crowd that came to judge the adulterous man… That’s to tell you that every other person’s must have done same or wrost than that
A person committed a crime, u report her to the police, but instead of arresting, u were arrested. In which country can that happen if not naija
So wad den happens to the stupid lesbian
the guy supposed to be d celebrity not chidinma,,,,,
Nigeria matter self tire me o,,,
Iam soon suprised,why would police arrest the boys and leave the mama supe or is it cos of the big oga at her back? Aghotakwa m!
If so Chidimma should be jailed for 14yrs
See craze o!!!
Who is to be arrested here????
If d video as claimed was gud why should it be hidden,???
Common sense
Y police go arrest the guy or isn’t he right for someone for fight against lesbianism
Dis is more dan story for f gods even d fools will not even accept it’s haba make una tell una self d truth na dis story nor don @ all
Until they arrest everyone that watch the video clips
medicine after dead
I really don’t get this, who is to be arrested here, the person who that leaked the video or the victim? I don’t really know why the government are so stupid… As far I can remember, lesbianism and homosexualism is a crime in this country, and whosoever caught in the act should be made to face the law…. So why are they twisting this case in the favor of the victim?…. Nawa o
Arrest for what . ?????The whole world is now confused caus the end is near.
Mumu country
keep fooling yourselves n arresting ppl anyhow.
The question is this are you not a lesbian if you are not so why are you makeing arrest of this young man
Nigeria hmmm y dey go arrest dem …na only leak dem leak …abi na dey tell chidinma 2 act cucumber film ……… wa 4 dis Nigeria oh ……
Lol. Them whr leak the video and she whr break law. Na who them 4 arrest?
Am just passig
Why arresting them?
Why not arrest the girl (Chidimma) let Her explain what that act means
dis cucumber girl story is becoming too much..what is it sef, frist it was chidinma leaked video,second..chidinma was interviewed and interrogated, thirdly she denied she is not d one in d video, forth..she was blackmail and she refuse to mention d person name saying she will be killed, fifth..flavour insulted her and police has arrested d guy who leaked d video. na so so yeye news una go post here..she is d only celebrity with hole between her legs… what is it sef..
hahahhaaahhahaah….Baby i tire oooo
Why the arrest, chidima should have not pose on camera in the first place and more so is lesbian is illegal in Nigeria, so why the arrest, the police should please explain
These cucumber girl, why can’t you just go and hide your face somewhere so that the issue of cucumber story will die just like that ehn?
Nah I knw some ladies are crazy like seriously wait do u mean dey arrested dos guys nt chidinma or wat DAT her name God is watching each and every one of us, she is nt even ashamed of her self you nd to be imprisoning chidinma act of shame!!
This one no be my matter o……..just passing
Chaaiiiii…. Nigerian police has no shame…. u liv d person dat committed d sin of Sodom And Gomorrah. .. which one of dem is Lesbianism….. nd arrested d pple dat released d video….. Police sori…. bt d rought of God wil reach both u pple nd d Chidimma nd her group of evil doers….. money may b speakin in ur pocket nw…. bt u cnt syfone God…. God hav mesi on u al….
Why? Is lesbianism no more a crime?
what about her? would she not b arrested for lesbianism? or has it been legalised cos d last time i checked, dats an illegal conduct. lol. .. 9ja I dey hail oo
Smart question.
is been a lesbian no longer a crime in this country .
so wht she mean now is dt she did nt do it or wht??????
True lies
Nonsense! Something happened in a biafraland and you people are condemning d entire Nigeria system. Is d issue of baby factory anything to d inhabitants? Is there no state governor there that can put things in order. If it is an issue that has to do with millions of naira d state govt would have taken an action. Hypocrisy comments is annoying.
Another imbecile spotted
Lam Eminent Kalu, another fool spotted.
Even the police knows it’s against the law to practice lesbianism, so I really don’t think this police thing is really not the truth, I know most Nigerian police can be easily bought with money, but I still can’t buy this story at all.
If really those guys are arrested bcos of the s*x video, that simply means homosexuality is legal in our country. May God help the innocent.
Stories made in nija
Hahaha. I can’t say if cucumber is an APC member or chidimma, that’s y She can’t be arrested. Hohoho. If she was forced, y didn’t she report to the police before the release of the video.
Exactly u made a point here, she was a full time lesbian
Judge not…God is final judge..He without a sin shuld cast d first stone…there is no greater or lesser sin..sin is sin…we ar all sinners take it or leave it…fornication n lesbianism ar sin if ur forgettin xo soon…he dat judge sinneth too let’s leave it up to God the perfect one
Then the criminals should be released since we are all sinners and sin is sin?
Some guy dn’t mind there biness when they are in schl
This fatty or whatever you call yourself y taking this issue personal, I am not saying that chidinma is right bt police or government to handle the case their way let not ur negative comment lead the poor girl to her early grave… Don’t judge that you may not be judged, I can imagine the trauma chidinma must be passing through rt now, with or without police chidinma ls finished as long as social media is concerned.. Am not from anambra state i don’t know the girl in question. She can confess her sins today and God will elevate her from Miss anambra to Miss World, God will show mercy to whom he will show mercy… Remember the story of David if only you re a Christian…who on earth sins more than David bt when he apologizes the God that ve the final say keep speaking glory to his life.. Just go home and think of your own salvation that revelation has taken place
This comment is so called Christianity problems today all over the world. Because she believe that god will forgive her, she went and did what god use and destroy a city. Ma ka why
@Ann Amaka, if you are not a lesbian, you must feel disgusting with you comment, but for the fact that you have participated in the dirty Game, you didn’t find anything wrong for someone being a lesbian! Why must you defend somebody that committed abomination! May God have mercy on you!
Chidima come give me garry i dey Come with you co hoe Leakers make i give me Friends we feet make special share for instagram no worry face book no go see am Birds of a feather no be say u support repot
Stupid people,corrupt country, corrupt police force,,,the innocent boy was arrested while that skinny bitch that calls herself an igbo girl is still walking under the sun. Hmmmmm where is the corruption that we are fighting if we can’t make law equal,, treat everyone alike based on crime committed.. Chidimma okeke should be arrested for all i care.. Months ago I heard a news of two girls burnt alive over the practice of lesbianism,, now everyone saw her both big and small but the only thing there were concerned is the arrest of the leaker what a funny twist.. Hmmmmm Nigeria no go ever better
Thank to God dat u r also a female judge her very well n u will b judge as well.
My dear go find something else to do.. Not type or reply on my post,, pray am not president cause if I am even u will be judged.. Wats the essence of the 3arms of government?
i dont believe that these type of human species are intelligent enough to blackmail any one..who are these ones?now nigerians ,anything the learn the over do…dont be surprised that blackmailing is gonna be the trending thing now..
Nigeria as a country is a failure where laws are not kept…. Chidimma abeg enjoy your life…14yrs my foot…it can’t work bcos most of your leaders are gay also…
Even Jesus Christ don’t condem, judge a sinner lik Nigerians do
Funny, can somebody here tell me the reason why this guys,were arrested? I remember vividly that gay and lesbianism are not allowed in Nigeria.or have our government turn the hand of the clock to embrace it?because I don’t see any good reason that will warrant them to arrest the guys,but if they had eventually arrested those guys,it simply means they have accepted gay and lesbianism. Chidinma should be the person that is opt to be arrested because she went against the law of the country, or should I say that ones you are famous, rich and well-known celebrity, you are now above the law?we should all do something about all this happenings o,because the rich now turns the clock abreast, the judiciary statue,is no longer being folded,she now sees and that makes her choose who to favour and who to judge,.This ms Chidinma in question is suppose to be the one that should be arrested if at all any arrest want to be made.she should just be waiting for her 14years but just look at what is happening now.this development are the reasons they label the judiciary corrupt,this are the main reasons, this are cases and situation they are suppose to swing into action rather they are protection the defaulter. Nigeria my country why???
I just say I should drop my own comment oo.Nigeria are just so confused, they don’t just know what to do.its like this recession is affecting them so much that the had diviated from their real work
nobody here be saint oh,abeg make una free d babe,is she d only lesbian? haba,they arrested d guys nt her and if u nt hapi with it,hang ursef,mtchew
She is the only lesbian we saw since 2016,wait are you one of them?
Ur sister is one of them
mtchrwww stupid Nigerians, why una never arrest bobrisky ,all acting like they got no sin
Just passing by Lol
Chidinma should be arrested as well’ I remember lesbianism is a crime punishable by 14yrs in jail. Ah no understand this country again
:* She is just disgracing her self more and more. She should just lay low for a while.
Can some show me the video
Godwin lol
Lol cute so u are here.
Our 9ja is full of drama lol hope u are enjoying the drama
Hahaha i know, interesting
In lyf u can b whatever u want to b… I don’t see anything wrong being a lesbian.. That’s where she gets her happiness
Yeah that’s in Europe or America, bean a lesbian is against Nigeria constitution… 14. Years jail
Is lesbianism not against the law of the land? If yes why arrest the leaker?
pls any body with cold water their make I use am smoke this gari #lolz
Money speaking nigerian police acting like bestial.
Dis country na yeye, ahhh dem no arrest Chidinma na pple wey leak her video dem cum arrest, chai or maybe dem don bribe d police men, yeye. My hand no dey oooh
I am going 2 Lagos please put me in ur prayers
If police can collect 50box on the road and set a vehicle without papers free, what do u expect when a model who has committed an offense in the site of God and man bribes them with money that is far greater than their six month salary just to cover up her mess and impose it on some sharp bad guys who use their head to make a living. Sha who knows what dews has been paid to the blogger to bring out this nonsense information and call it fact, cos to me it makes no sense at all…
i hope they arrest the people that watched it too stupid police.
1st it was a Photoshop…2nd it was ABS…3rd its Blackmailers…..Wait for the 4th.
Am not surprised naija is my country.
Abeg make una follow the law and arrest the law brakers not those who expose the idiots and their shameless act. Maybe that is the price she paid for her crown. Nonsense.
Serves them right, y blackmail the girl. It’s wickedness in its highest order
This is a stupid post cos if u watch that lesbian video of chidimma u will see that the person that is covering the act was a lady not man,but why on earth should a woman act a lesbian video and post it to someone because of something in return. Chidimma is a full time lesbian girl, no body force her to do it, so she supposed be proud of that. U people should stop supporting evil,here is not Europe or America such act is allowed
Lolzzzzz…. Next script pls
So lesbianism is not a punishable offence by Nigerian law again?
The leakers are now the defaulters right ?
Stupid people Nigerians do what is right
I get ooo but e dey for hiring@ okechukwu
I thought lesbianism is a crime in nigeria? Why arresting the man who reveal the act, and leaving the culprit?
So what would they so to them medicine after death mtchewwww
Keep it for yoursif Buhari is coming for you continue Post rabies
I wonder why the arrest. Who gave out the video if not Chidinma? Release the boys jor.
Well done
Chidinma should be arrested n purnished…rubbish
This Chidimma of a cucumber girl, you are just complicating the whole issue oo .what rubbish is this?
if you can’t take the heat don’t do the crime
She was forced
Hw would i have none she’s a lesbian?
Nigeria don’t ve law oo
Lizzy oluwayemi why castigate chidinma who knows what you do In the dark you are here talking rubbish and what you don’t know about.
MAdness!! None of them is right… I thought there is punishment for same sex relationship! But now they are shifting the case… SMH
You see our nonsense society ?? Why arrest the guys now ? Mtscheww
Shame to u chidima
hmmmm na my house I dey jeje dey change wetin wan change me naso dis video dey disturb my phone as I no dey dia wen d tin happen hw I wan take no d truth from one story to d oda kilode gan abeg make una leave me to think beta jawe
Wen she was enjoying d nude money i wasnt informed, now dat shes caught in d act plz can u stop disturbin me wit dis useless posts, abeg let me enjoy my rice….mtcheeeew…..
Chidinma is desperate to become famous that’s y she accepted their proposal, an she is a lesbian, if u take a closer look at that video, u will see that she enjoyed every bit of d act,she was not forced to do that trash she did, OK if she is not, y will she agreed to do it,y didn’t she walk away an say no,I can’t instead let her not participate, or let her not be d crowned Queen, but because she is greedy an desperate to become famous that is y she tarnish her image as a woman,by doing that trash, but for d police, let both chidinma an d leakers be arrested,for character murder, that’s My own!
DAT good stupid guys
Lol my country my people abeg who una wan fool.. Pls lets get sumtin straight here d last time i check lesbianism z a crime in nigeria so dz boys shuld even get an award 4 dz., y all dz cover up.. Wen it comes to d rich n influential z no law bt wen z d poor z a law n punishable… Oh my God i wipe 4 dz country….. Jst passing shaa bt wait ooo i want 2 drink garri shuld i use water?…… Cus am confuse
I tort said. She is not the one
I don’t understand why is this issue trending,where are the other girls involved in this act.they should be fished out for confirmation and handed over to the right authority its not their duty to fish out who leaked the videos that’s chidinmas business.The next tyn now one artist would release a tack and call it “chidinmas cucumber” and it will sell, pks let’s stop distracting the younder lads with this messsy story.
Guys that leaked or cooked up story?
Why would they be arrested stupid country with their stupid force nonsense
No mind them Na hungry police men full Nigeria You see #Sodomy is a crime and 14years jail term then why arresting someone who is exposing the victim Nigeria is an Expired country indeed the law makers are now law breakers no more justice GOd help us
This is also to sound warning to girls out there sharing nude pictures and their videos to guys in the name of fun or to show love am sorry you are gone because when the person have problems with you he will use that to tanish you image #be_wise what you do today can affect your tomorrow good day
Nigeria is a zoo country am not surprise
we are fighting corruption so the police need to arrest the people that leaks the video so that they will corrupt this good county of ours where is Buhari Aka corruption fighter….God bless Nigeria
plz we want the 3rd video which is 1hr
Good for the guys…….the lady should desist from such act. I blv she learnt her lessons in a very hard way
Make I hear
Chidimma Cucumber
Cucumber ooo,,,chidinma ooo,,,video ooo,,,lesbian ooo,,,boys ooo ,,,police oooo…chaiii….na wa … don too much….abeg make I rush reach Germeny go charge my phones jare…na watin person go do… light for Naija.. lawless country wit yeye government.
She is d one …dat is supposed to be arrested….Na person gv her cucumber…no b she…dey enjoy dirty sin fuck…U don disgrace ursef…i wonder how u ll appear in d police station to defend urself..bc am sure..the police officers hav watched it well like MERLIN vindicate well..shame on u..TO REMIND U…MORE CUCUMBER IS STILL IN MARKET..who u epp?????????? i kn is cucumber..u epp jorr…ptcheww
Arrest ke?? we go still hear another story later
Yes i like this
Did any of u watched d video clip? cos i didn’t c her face like one dt is bin blackmailed der. all i c is someone enjoying herself with her patterns…. Woo betide nigeria police if they failed to arrest nd jail her…. let’s assumed as some of u claimed dt it is bin blackmailed? did she perform d act yes or no? did the police took d so called guys to court cos wot we whr told was it is one CHIEF at a point they said it is ABS anambra boss is d one doing it. today we v different people looking hungry and unkept to cover d act…..FINALLY, IF POLICE FAILED TO DO D RIGHT TIN BY TAKING CHIDINMA ND HER FRND TO COURT ND ALLOW D JUDGE TO DO D NEEDFUL…DEN THEY SHLD B READY TO C OTHER GAY’S ND LESBIANS SPRINGING OUT AND COS we v turn illegality to our norms so shall it b
Many of you has comment one thing or the other here,but if a proper investigation will be carried out on you,I know fully well that one of you is also a lesbian,if chidinma if your sister or she related to you in any angle what will you do seeing al this comment about her,bt I pray as many that is saying negative against her the same way this horrible video is leaked that is the way yours wil be leaked and it will be the worst,many say negative things about Jesus how much more chidinma,do not nail her bcz of ur greed and jealousy,but I knw she is innocent,I don’t knw her but immediately I saw this post I know that one of you make this up to destory her,I tell you all anyone thst did this his or her life will be horrible and God will vsndicate her.
Pls when wil bag of rice come down to
Police is wrong arresting the boys, Chidinma Okeke should be the one to be arrested and face Nigeria law on lesbian and gay.
If this news is true that those guys were arrested cause of exposing what our culture forbid then the police are only encouraging what’s bad… And that’s not good at all
That girl chidinma should be arrested
Both chidimma n the leaker av committed various offences n they shall be punish
ochimoooooo nija no get head
Is d shameless girl suppose to record her lez act….
Dis is a pure deliberate act, Chidima should b arrested n not does innocent guyz.
Chai Nigeria ehe,they tink say we be mumu ba,just playing with our heads,how they take catch dem I want to know,mtchew nonsense.They will just wake up and start telling lies.they found d chibok girls they no tell us why now they don catch d people wey leak d video.stupid people
*police arrest guys that leaked Chidinma okeke’s lesbian video (photos) #ehen? who e help??????? mtcheeeew make una no provoke me ooooo
Liars…..cover up for ABS director…… Truth will soon surface
Na only for dis country if u expose a big man’s evil plan u na become de intruder ad de big man will be come de Samaritan. Hmm if she like make dem use banana act de episode 4. She is a lesibian and 4 u girls who run der mouth like my dick wen I urinate bcos of too much alcohol u too are lesibian. Abeg can I borrow power bank 4 here to charge me flat screen
Story for the Gods. No be chief again,its now this guys. I love Naija,best comedians ever.
God help us all. Confuse country
U guys are here talking about chidinma who is enjoying hereself pls make we hear world abeg una
She is a lesbian, we all know!! She should be arraigned to face the law,
Police should congratulate dem, not punish dem
what nonsense so lesbianism is now legalm
So u are encouraging her to b practising lesbin
U people are very stupid. What positive impact will this stupid Chidinma of a girl do to Nigerians. Chidinma Chidinma Chidinma we won’t hear word for you people. Will she make the high cost of a bag of rice come down
Instead of sending her to 14 yrs behind bars for lesbianism
Fake people
A spade is a spade
Whus falt? Iis ha falt, but she did it so dey shuld arrest ha too
Amaka count yourself lucky you have not been cut yet but remember one day ur cup will full useless animal like u
you are not the own of that child you are holding it is well believe by ur speech who no if you haven’t sleep with animal men pls notice of this animal
Story for the gods
Am sure in Nigeria we have penalties for such act?
The guys should be awarded for exposing them. But I know this story is as fake as it is.chidinma u just dey waste that your big boobs wey your children suppose suck
Which one are we to believe angina
my country people may God bless Una i wen no Nigeria na country?
Who are they?
Nice.I wondered if we had no police in the country
So from last week till this week has been about chidinma. Abeg I’m done hearing about her. If they like they should arrest the producer of this whole drama that has been going on. Rubbish!!!
My people the video is scam,they force the girl to it because of cash, if u watch the video there is some noise underground within there scene,who are this people talking underground
Which means that Nigeria support lesbian may God forgive us
Chidinma is a full disgrace to anambara and igbo nation as a whole
Dis stories no just dey make brain.. D sextape is between her and her assistant, BT d sextape was made when she was still in year one.. She gt assistant wen she Neva b beauty queen??
Nigeria is becoming a nation for only the abnormal people and things. This country is sick
Big lie
Who shd be arrested?
hahahahahhh…..Nigeria there country.a country of injustice……if u said d truth na world war 2 is a out
Dis world is comin to an end
In which offence police arrest those Boy’s now. I don’t understand this Nigeria, pls we need BIAFRA.
Stupid policemen. Why did dey arrest innocent men. The girl shld be jailed for fourteen years
Nawa for Nigeria
whoever that put up this story as to free Miss Cucumber from her mess need to write another story not this one at all. She need to face the wrath of the law
The last time i remember lesbianism is a crime, it’s only in Nigeria that a person would be arrested for exposing a criminal nd the criminal left at peace,the police should be aresting chidinma nd sending her to jail and not the other way round
Pls free him cause i hv started cucumber business and it fast approaching tank fr d advert dude lols
Na today iron teeeeee all des once BA cova up story
Big lies
.Na innocent people them wan punish for her stupid act.
Na waoo
Cucumber is now competing with us (men) we needs to protects,
So police now arrests those that helps them with their works. Ok oo.
What nonsense who is to be arrested funny enough they are just inviting the wrath of God upon themselves. The evil that people do shall be exposed in Jesus name
So gay act is finally legalized in Nigeria,is very wrong for arresting this guy’s, so no need of passing information to the police hence they are covering evil act by arresting the boys.
Pls o by the way what happend to the original cucumber…cus am scared to buy one now..its quiet a pitty she was cut, now she has to take responsibility for her action…she needs to serve as a scape goat for others hahaha this things her getting too much. She’s suppose to b a role model for d younger generation.what kind of true model who can be ambasedors to this great nation does that. Its a shame….my 14 year old nephew first told me about this. She’s aspireing to be a model. I simply barn her from going to facebook… pls don’t come and teach us rubish with ur carless life oo mrs cucumber…go to jail and come out to be a better peson u can b a multivational speaker for this carelessness of urs too…I love u but let models have dignity.
Small time now,cucumber will be expensive in the market
did we see boys in d. videos
Good arrest,,since dey cnt let her be
My god
I doubt the authenticity of this story. Even the police have debunked the story.
Who commenting Epp? Just reading comments.
How can police Leave the offender and arrest the culprit? Lesbianism allow in Nigeria?
For what?
To arrest the so called Chidinma can’t work coz people incharge are all hiding gays and labians…Corruption will never stop killing this country
Fuck d police dt arrested dem i say dem mama
NA WA 0000
Please somebody Shold help me send DE video in my Wassup 07032031995
Dats Nonsense. N d media isn’t evn ashamed to print it out. I guess dis sodomy has bin legalised by our stupid leaders while we ar here saying d bill has bin passed for imprisonment to anyone found wantin. For God’s sake are these guys not evn supposed to be rewarded for leaking dat video out?. Well d so called leaders ar also into it so I won’t be surprised. NAIJA d more u see, d less u understand. RUBBISH.
Am so happy with MMM supporters, the comments I have read here makes me want to PH more, very motivating.
chidinma never agree say him do am so for now nah the boys be suspect until dem prove dia case.
y d arrest,na God go punish u people call police,lesbian and gay is a crime in Nigeria y dnt u arrest chidinma people of hell, donating soul for hell,naija shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Why arresting them na? It means you guys are supporting lesbian
Why arrest them?
Wonderful story! For d gods though….
Am sure those police men must be gay themselve,how much she pay Una? black animals.
They need to be arrested
Lol, are we babies here. Nigeria let’s grow up, this is a bullshit story abeg. Who get bread there I dey hungry
U people can lie 4 africa ehn
Woo!! I thought Lesbianism is a crime against the law, against Humanity too… God is watching, In 3D, HD…
We Nigerians we don’t need 2much of logger head on this issues bcos both of them are guilty a LESBIAN ND BLACKMAILER. SO we need the good office of inspector general to select good officer to handle the case so dat it WIL deter others from doing such act
For what? Is lesbianism no more an offence in Nigeria?
Naija needs God to open their eyes to see what is right and do them
I thnk it shld be dey whr arrested for blackmail nt leaking d video…dey shld also arrest chidinma for practising lesbianism(14yrs)…lolzz naija
Many stories, many lies, what a funny country!
thank God am sooooo happy
d truth is coming out small small
Stupid man …. compound fool
by now d wife will know what d husband has been doing with single girls
before u will win miss Anambra. .. u have to sleep with him first
Prince Mofor Floriburg
Is it not late? The question is did she act porn or not? And why?
Na God go purnish does police for hell fire.yeye constitution
Fake news, Nigerian police deny arrest of guys dt exposed d tape.
Kia police police �� wen una go wise? Haba una still Neva wish @ thx 21st century. Who una supposed arreste 4 d crime? police police Kia abeg who gt card mak e send 4 me mtn
This country is promoting corruption in a high level, is obvious that the chicken is holding crogest against the pot that cook it instead of the knife that killed it. No problem lesbianism carry goooo some people dey your back while the innocent boys suffer for exposing evil.
u rty arinze
funny u okey
This Amaka of a girl e be like say youself naa same person with chidima bcos your comments no make sense at all. Abeg change topic!!!!!
I no go waste my time use sound inglish comment.Chidinma na Eliza(lesbian),make dem sentence her den dos way like d video make den give dem good award for job weldone.
Hmm… this girl has really suffered in the hands of people… besides no one is sure weda dis is real… Chidinma pls take heart it shall be well….
Hmmm End time
Y should dey arrest him or is d video not real?
Police please arrest Chidinma her self ok
Who ever that posted this have also leaked the secret so you have to be arrested too if it is the way Nigerian arrest
Very funny…. Chidinma wasn’t arrested for acting lesbian/porn film bt they arrested those who leaked out the video…. Nigerian police…… Na wao
If I were those boys I will take them to the highest spirit and make them mad with necked
Does she committed the act of lesbian? If yes, then let be exposed and persecuted for that so that others will learn from it . Nonsense
Y arresting d guys instead of.d girl, is dis legal now(gays/lesbians)?
Silvermentor,that girl might go unpunished if her God chose to forgive her then who are you to judge? Ur type of guy beat up their parents even ur grand parents… It’s even possible you are gay or bisexual y acting as if you ve no sin in you, i don’t support the poor girl either I pray that lord should ve mercy and forgive her… Silvermentor turn around and check ur sisters, relatives and Well wishers wrost than that is happening around you my brother think about ur own life
Lesbian club of nija pay police to arrest those boys dia world is something else i swear
Why na make dey release those guy wetin dey do bcs say dey say the trto police make ona take am easyoo
Who is to be arrested here? I pity this sick country.
What NONSENSE!!! They shud arrest her,why arrest the guys that leaked it….. This country don finish….
Hmmmmm. We do not negotiate neither do we succumbed to a black mailer. You don’t intrude into someone device. Copy her files and use the information to demand for money. Everyone has a negativity or the other.
Chidinma, 14 yrs imprisonment.
Leakers, to be trained as CID’s.
Good job guys.
your sin has found you out. …..
@chidinma ….
repent and God will forgive you …
Is lesbiansm a good thing? We shouldn’t encourage such please’if she’s been exposed so what! We should even think of how to fish them out one after the other and not the other way round, those guys should be rewarded and not punished please Nawa for this country sef
I am lost in the deep blue sea
Wat is d need of arresting someone because of her I beg if dere is anyone to arrest is her cos u don’t know wat she has done to d younger one already
This is just to tell you that same sex marraige is indirectly legalise in Anambra, since punishing those guys is the appropriate thing than jailing the so called chidimma for her calamitious act。Nonsense governance
even d chidinma dy stupid
This is a very bad precedence been set. If someone commits an economic crime, say embezzling of public funds, and there is a whistleblower. If this whistleblower leaks this information, would it be wise to arrest the man that exposes the thief?
Lawless country are dey supporting evil now in this Nigeria?
chidimma CUCUMBER go kill you idiot. see dose guys should b respect,
ar u sure d Arrest case is true
They are doing a good job of hiding the people behind this case.
No one is the real eye witness to the story yet we judge and crucified, I thought as a christ like, of which we said we are, all we supposed to do or say is that God should forgive and have mercy for her if it’s true not the other way round. Please let us be very careful before we speak. Thanks all.
The fat is she’s a lesbian government should arrest her and prison her only
She’s my namesake anyways BT she ve to be caution here not de leakers plss oooo. As fr Ugwu Okechukwu u re funny, BT let me see If I can be of help to ur fone situation rite nw.
Lol, I luv my country so so much, so dey can do anything to achieved dia goals. Pls dey shld not be naive here bt, to pay justice to whom justice is due.
Lezbians wil support lezbianz
make dem release the guys . God has exposed those bad girls
Will corruption ever stop in country Nigeria? Lesbian is it a good thing? Nawa ooo before peo use to say ‘ money is the root of all evil’ bt nw it is some peo are root of all evil. leaders of Nigeria repent !!!
Our security officers are just to be branded FOOLS at times. Instead of commending the guy for not abating crime……police una be fools jor…….
Mark zukerbarg must hear dis
wel,from photoshopin to blackmailers hmmm,it’s onli a dumb ass idiot wil blive dis cock and bull article here,D onli tin i do make of all dis crazy synario is dat sumtin is fishin and the so called bloggers are nt teln us d reality,Lets cal a spade a spade,lesbian is nt alowed and anybdy caught wit such sacrilagious act gets 14yrz sentence,then when hav we got a law dat curtail the penalty of dis act?Now u wake up put up a whole lot shit in d net,tryin 2 fool us,hell no!, i object to such falasy
Abeg, we are assuming that its a blackmail because she z a celebrity and most likely wealthy right? If she wasn’t wealthy and popular would anyone have given it a second thought? I think there z more at play here, either a plot to see how this goes down before the next phase is released and this incident is used as a reference in order to support evil. Either way, wrong is wrong by all standard. Acknowledging my weaknesses too, I don’t judge anybody, but I judge every evil act, I won’t say its clean when God has said its an unclean act… Thank you.
don’t mind dem,is cos they dwell in sin n enjoy it more Dan anytin
Lols Niger always wit bad tins
I dont get it, police suppose to arrest Chidinma and co , they here busy arresting innocent people
Heeeeeeehh…. Nnaa Meehhnn…. So Chidinma is walking free n gathering awards while those that exposed her crime r going behind bars????? WONDERFUL!
She should be prosecuted
Leakin d tape is bad, but i tot is 14yrs sentence 4 d gals dat did it
Wiat was she not with her friend or the guys na them introduced her to be lesbian and her fellow runner tow lesbian they must be friends and now u say the guy made her eat her friends Pu**** and Our police them they support this to include their good name they are trying to restore ohh
This story for me didn’t make sense, how can a responsible girl involve in this dirty act, and went as far as sending it to a stranger. Pls let police free those guys they are innocent. Any lady that fall a victim is a cheap bitch.
wy arrest wen wee get law aginst gay nija police nija politcial nija law naa waa oooo
Why arresting the gay, Chidimma suppose stay inside prison by now … Hmmmmm Nigeria