A 35-year-old railway worker Santosh Lohar, working in a forested region near the city of Nawada in Bihar India, killed a snake by biting it.

The laborer suffered a rude awakening after the snake bit him during his sleep but instead of seeking medical treatment first, he took a metal rod, pierced the snake, and bit it back twice, according to local media.

The Indian man explained that a local superstition propelled him to take action as it is thought that two bites back will return the poison to its maker.

He said, “In my village, there’s a belief that if a snake bites you, you must bite it back twice to neutralize the venom”. It is believed that biting the snake prevents him from dying.

The snake died, but Lohar survived as he was rushed to the hospital, where he received care overnight. He was said to be given antivenom, responded well to the treatment and was discharged the next day.

It is a well-known fact across the world that people can die of a snake bite and so the incident has sparked a debate amongst social media viewers as to whether the snake was really poisonous, as its identity has not been confirmed.

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