A young boy has taken to social media to show off the one-room apartment where his family lives.

In the video, the boy shows the viewers the living conditions of his family of 7, showcasing the humble living space they call home.

The boy’s father and his siblings were sleeping on the bed and floor, while he managed on the single couch in the room.

Sharing the video, he noted that although they may not be rich, they are very content. “We may not be rich, but we’re content, Alhamdulillah,” he said.

Watch video below,

The video has elicited emotions from social media users after it was shared online.

In reaction, an Instagram user shared his own ‘grass to grace’ story and encouraged the young man to work hard so he can change their story.

“Been through Same thing , it would all become a story to tell in the nearer future my bro .. A Human without history is like a canoe with no paddles 👏👏, the IG user wrote.

“This is 21st century. You work hard and make a living for yourself and you family or you seat down and be contented with the 90s lifestyle. Back in the 90s life was much easier We eat in one plate with love and harmony we play together sleep together. But in 21st century we eat separately and we sleep separately. The older you get the lonelier it’s gets and you have to keep going”, another user added.

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