You don’t get an instruction manual when trying to figure out how to prepare for sex. It would have been easier, but we’re here to help you out.

There are so many questions regarding how to prepare for sex. When I first had sex, I literally did everything wrong. Mind you, it was a painful experience for me, so I feel like they cancel each other out.

How to prepare for sex

By preparing yourself for sex, you make it an overall easier experience, and of course, more enjoyable. So, nevertheless, let’s not waste time – here is how to prepare for sex in 16 easy ways.

#1 Don’t hype yourself up. It’s sex, not the Golden Globes. Yes, it’s fun and arousing, but don’t hype up sex.

When you start hyping yourself up, you can easily develop anxiety and, well, then you may not perform as well as you hoped to. So, deep breaths – billions of people have had sex before you, and billions will after you.

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  1. Always do exercises, eat good food like vitamins. Stay away from alcohol, and stay away from sugar if your are not doing some hard work with strength. And if you must take anything high to do a sex blow job or game. Just cook beans, unripe plantain, add cocoyam with little marijuana. That is more better and healthy than drugs.

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