#10 Know what not to eat. There are certain foods that can actually make you taste sweet. So, stick to fruits such as cranberries, pineapple, lemon, and apples. They’ll make your cum taste sweet as opposed to bitter.

Foods that will not do you justice are red meat, onions, garlic, asparagus, cabbage, and alcohol – you can thank me later.

#11 Stay hydrated. You’ll probably be developing quite the sweat session when having sex, so you want to stay hydrated. It’ll make sure that you don’t lose too much water from your body, and you’ll also be able to last longer.

If you’re not hydrated, you may end up crashing right after the first round, and I’m sure you’ll want to be able to go for round two pretty soon after. And that’s how to prepare for sex romping.


  1. Always do exercises, eat good food like vitamins. Stay away from alcohol, and stay away from sugar if your are not doing some hard work with strength. And if you must take anything high to do a sex blow job or game. Just cook beans, unripe plantain, add cocoyam with little marijuana. That is more better and healthy than drugs.

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