Raise your hands if you’re part of the law-abiding Nigerians, who have for the past few months now, been enjoying quite a considerable amount of power supply compared to years back, when you could go half a year without power… Really, are you one of them?! (and I’m not talking about the kinda power supply PHCN gives for days when they know they’re about to cut your light!)
I’ve come across so many Social media reactions where people are seeing the state of the country more salvaged than wrecked considering so many factors, one of which is POWER SUPPLY.
While most Nigerians are on eagle’s eye on the President and his family’s expenditures and condemning the leader and his family like the children of Isreal did to Moses, others still believe in the Change that was once promised about a year and a half ago.
Corruption, terrorist attacks – two major things that crippled the country has been over the year, virtually the least of most Nigerians’ worries – though the fact of the so-called “Herdsmens killings” is still in play, there have been diverse speculations as to whether or not some meek hearted Fulanis who have known only cattle breeding since their birth would know how to operate sophisticated ammunitions – this to say that the terrorist who have been tackled with direly, have stooped low to disguise as “herdsmen” and carry out their terror attacks.
A handful of past Nigerian dignitaries have been linked with so many fraudulent scandals over the past few months and continue to remain in the news as their looted funds are being discovered and tackled judicially by the EFCC (a truth our ex-first lady can testify to currently) – something not so rampant during the past Presidential administrations.
Among other things than corruption and terror attacks, are the agricultural sector, health, road and transport, foreign exchange market, education, labour and more than can be mentioned – but optimism among a very few Nigerians lets them hope that if the two major heartaches could be brought to a slush, why can’t the rest ?. Although, the current Economic recession won’t let an average working Nigerian have an ounce of optimism as his mind is burdened with how to survive through these hard times…
For what it’s worth, in the educational sector, the 2016 MAY/JUNE WASSCE made quite an improvement compared to the past five years – praises of many a student who came out with parallel distinctions was sung all over social media – this of course, in the civil regime of PMB.
Considering the very few National issues PMB has been able to tackle in his over 334 working days or plus his 151 non-working days, can we believe that his “CHANGE” should be seen as a case of drops of water making a thousand feet deep mighty ocean? And hope that maybe just maybe, as it took time for Moses to take the Isrealites to the land flowing with milk and honey, that’s the present case with Nigerians now, suffice to say that it’s quite slow because of the murmurings of some citizens just like the Isrealites?
OR… are we just in a sham?!
What are your thoughts?! Please don’t hesitate to share!! And leave your comments…
– Michael B for Yabaleftonline.com
Yes God bless our motherland Nigeria
Yes of course, if you ain’t feeling the impart, dn’t you see it in people’s faces?
What is he working, has he finished is mission on traveling very day?? The downfall of very group or country dependent on leads ( jonh maxwell speech) …..I pray for God to give us a good leaders that will always show good example
Answer the question and stop preaching….. Its a yes or no question
An what is your business concerning my comments, you better stop that rubbish……preach your own idiot
D whole family has joined in d travelling job.
My dear help me talkooooooo
Hip Pop General what is your own answers? OLODO
Yes soooooo…..he is confusedly working
I realy wish to travel to nigeria one day
U ar 4rm wic country.
I just love the crazy things that happen there plus i like litsening to you people speak, you have a funny accent lol am from kenya
A bird that is always flying!
Nte, ride on
Busy doing nothing
Working towards his grave, bcus what really happened to Abacha will definitely meet up with him.
Haters can not see ,but wait till end of his tenure before you judge him, you can judge past leaders with the years they used to governed us. God Bless Nigeria. Buhari didn’t found Nigeria and he can not break it
lol a president dat cant evn compose hiz own word bt taking some part from anoda President
See what?
No talk 4 dat 1 at all, use else brain nd u er gud to go, only 1 can’t just do it
U would be a very stupid maggot if u said Nigerians hate Buhari. You no remember when people were saying “even with NEPA bill they will vote for him?” Baba is not capable of bringing the change let’s admit the fact! I hate people being hypocritical.
Ijondough Fidelis Ijondough you must be insane for that attack on me, because I bared my opinion Come 2019 100% of those voted himself will still vote him, 2019 election will go the same as 2015
Azeez Teslim ur jst bein tribalistic,religious fanatic,som1 who sees evil n suport it bcos he’s ur broda wen it is glarin dat d mases r sufferin bcos of him
You are now calling it attack instead of accepting the truth abi? Thanks for your confidence that #Baba_go_slow will win election 2019. But who knows there would be one Nigeria that time or not???
Azeez Teslim,lets call a spade a spade, if I may ask u what and what has he done? Must Nigerians continue to wait till the end of his tenure? He’s already a year in that sit and nothing has be done but rather people keep committing suicide cos of starvation and frustration of life. Come 2019 Nigerians will never vote for him.
One mistake #Baba_go_slow supporters are always making is that they thought it was Hausa and Yoruba alone voted for Buhari 2015 so they retain him if they want to. My question always is that, where we’re they when Baba lost election for consecutive 12years in this country???
Who will divide it, Biafra agitation is a child play, buhari did not founded Nigeria and he can not break it, what you don’t get under Jonathan you can’t get it under Buhari, nobody, I say nobody will become President of this country and want it break up in his or her tenure, am Yoruba, most of our people don’t believe in one Nigeria again but I ask them if you become President will you break it?
Sentiment will not let you accept his failures
Drunkard, get out of this platform before you initiate others into your drunken bout,please people forgive cause he is drunk as usual
How can we see when there’s nothing to see OK : i can see fuel price, rice price, garri price and unity school fee increment from #25,000 to #75,000 now i can see
Azeez you are fool and you will ever remain fool in your life for making that statement.
Buhari is d worst president i av ever seen.
If he is working even the blind will be seeing the manifestation of his work do we need microscope or ultraviolet light to see his work?
@azeez, don’t mind them, they ate haters of
Azeez, you no need to tell me/us that you are a Yoruba person.
Just shut up
Nig.shud be hpy dt God gv dem buhari, hd it been dt PDP is ruling, oly God kns hw it would b by nw
Dis man foolish die,I swear.
Wat has hatred got to do with dis, drop ur opinion an fuck out u wey no be part of d haters wetin u don see, which work u don see high fuel price, bag of rice, garri e.t.c stop bein tribalistic an tell d truth even u self dey feel d change. For me o I never see any positive impact so no wrk yet. Baba dey fight corruption Bt hin dey dine wit dem Nigeria started falling frm OBJ era. So which corruption him dey fight wen d baba of corruption na part of hin carbinate. I will start beliving in him again wen hin tell EFCC to investigate OBJ an TINUBU
Ezea,you better say the truth..This is not the matter of party,understand
Let fine God face, because everything is go wrong in Nigeria
there must be food on the table if buhari is really doing anything, but as you can see there high cost in living. he is failure totally. blaming the previous administration is not the solution to this problems.
BUHARI – – Bringing Unnecessary Hardship Among Reasonable Individuals. He is busy working poverty and untold hardship on people as his name implies
Girl,where did u get dat from???? Lolzz…think i like how dat soundz
Not at all
Noo… we need biafra now
i wonder y he was still voted for wen his first tenure dere was starvation….. Now we av pass starvation stage pipu re diein dat x y i dont blame dangote dat brought suggestion of sellin all govt properties
yes, but to the majority(the poor) no effect.
Im just a kid and i no nothing about politics… Pls is this how #PDP start dia ruling??? If #YES den we can’t judge #buhari but if #NO then d answer to your question is #NO buhari is doing nothing causes citizens killing themselves, stealing of food cause of hunger….
A kid?what are u doing here?oya go to bed am coming to read u a bedtime story,remember you will go to school tomorrow
Amara funny u.. Hahaha i wait for u but i no c u… Wetting happened nw?
Buhari is walking but not working..
It’s getting to two years now no any positive impact..to me he’s stagnant.
Noooo he’s busy blaming and spoiling things **confuseInsanity*****
we don’t know wht kind of stupid qstn is that
Too much sef
Yes! He is busy turning everything upside down.
Yes at least he travel every week to unfruitful negative trips
Buhari should resign he’s doing nothing, too old to be president
I’ll not call buhari a failure still he finish is tenure bcus change comes with pain, very soon all we b well if u believe hit like
Hey in what context ‘re u using d word ‘workin’ cos it was d same misunderstandin of context dat d apc used in deceivin masses with dia abraccadabra ‘change’…now lemme tell u..buhari is lucky we ‘re now in democracy..cos d only work i c him doin is travellin which was d same in ’84…do u remember it was on one of his tours dat he had a mutiny and was asked not to return
Yabaleftonline.com if you ask this question again I will report you to United Nation what na wetin I Cant buy half bag of rice….Tomatoes…fuel…..did you see the dollar exchange rate yabaleftonline.ng. hmmmmmm no comment
are you asking me? ¿
yes based on my own point of view nt yours he is really working header to make sure that the massess suffer for sure.
To be Honest he is not workin but he is hunting4Oppo,and that was what he did in 1984.people suffered all we were hearing then War Against Indy and Concorant Prisonment
Pls ask APC
He is sleeping
Working my ass
To be honest, he is sleeping
Yes but not in all sectors….
Big NO
:* No, hes busy calling pot black.
May be you ppl are looking for whom u will arrest is president buhari working?
Good question dear,let yabaleft answer that
Is not working talkless of hard
Work wetin
Dat is a question for anoda day
Nope! He isn’t.
U asked foolish questions to cos problems
Buhari is working tirelessly to #enslave# nigerians and to #islamize# the nation what a stupid and incompetent #president #
I’m glad people like you with open eyes and ears are still existing.
Yes na. Are we nt seeing it. Idiotic question
Not at all for now
I don’t dat question should be answered
Buhari is Working But not working in Right Direction that’s the problem and another Big problem of Nigerians Is ethnicity
If Buhari is working,am also working.comparin myself with d president,i mean thinz are fulked up
Ask ifa (Oracle)
Nada. Nah. Nope. Zilch.
Am checking Google
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Yes, he is working negatively
The man is useless on that seat..
Only fools can ask dis question. Inshort ask Tinubu
No!! Because he haven’t legalise gay marriage yet.
Thats the only problem we gays can detect from his administration But we don’t know anything further than this………..
We gat plenty
Rands and Dollars already we don’t need Naira cos it is too weak.
So until gay marriage z legalized ?…z like ur brain z asthmatic
This notice me boy!!! Must u be noticed eehhhh
Jesus loves u.
Give ur life to Christ
U stink!
he’s woking very hard!!!
Ask google
Woow hopefully; yes he is working.
That man is cursed even his Alla have cursed him
Thief useless man
He’s working Buh bad advisers
@yabaleft: A vehicle on a reverse gear is it moving or not?
It’s moving oooo.lols!!!
Person wey dey travel as if sky na him office….
I nor knw who advice am to contest???
Sure he is working really
To be honest, no he’s not!
Yes for his life
The fact is that he really want/willing but he’s not capable.
Seriously, not really.
Ask lai
Is really performing economy wonder
He is busy doing nothing!
Dats rubbish he is just grumbling
Read Proverb 24:21-22 Use KJV nd tell me what u saw
Yes of cause..
He has settled Educational aspects…
There is nothing to be honest about… We all know the truth only God can save this country…
Yessss naaaa
Yes he is really working on hunger, poverty,recession, crimes, unemployment e.t.c. he is really working on change of everything including ur name very soon ur name and ur son name will be changed.BABA is really working hard to pull things together.
he’s working for you
Who him epp wich wk him dy do
Am sure his country people will say yes he is working, as in eh, he is really working traveling round the globe.
Big N and Biggest O
I dont know him, is he a Nigerian or Arewa republic?
He is working, but what kind of work should be the question
Nothing show yet
He is really working, we can see the change, only God will deliver Nigeria
These people from a particular region will not see anything good in what pmb is doing…. Biafrauds.
Yorubas like you make this country worthless,yorubas that see evil and stagnancy but still insist on viewing it as the opposite just because of tribal sentiments… The Lord is your strength!
that man is a confuse man he not my president
To be honest I don’t really know
Almighty Allah is in control and he sees beyond human imagination. Though it is not easy but only almighty Allah make things easier for those who follow his directions. Let us Nigerians see beyond what is happening presently and should not allowed haters, deceivers,to mislead us. We should all see beyond as one Nigerians, we have changed many able men on the presidential seat since the independent day in 1960, yet know one has satisfied our needs because we give rooms for the haters, deceivers of the nation to guide and misled us with their selfish interest. It is highly time for we Nigerians to reason and think beyond. What if we change Buhari as we’re all complaints for another unknown person and yet no change, should we keep changing till eternity. No. Believe is what we need. God help us and bless Nigeria more. Amen
Your question is very funny! You see person seat down 4 office de sign paper u de ask if he is workin. Month end he go collect salary,
Tunder strike u der for DAT stupid question IDIOT
My guy, than u thinking in the church while praying that nthing should happen to you is better i go and farm my food.
The farm didnt say he will nt give u any product if u plant.
My guy go back to farm and knw what life is all about.
Never can tall
Yes! Atleast, the evidence is clear on the wife; Millions of naira handbag n wrist watch. My president is “really” working!
Crocodile designer bag worth N40M.there is God ooh
Who z nw deceivin who?
working for you
Hell no
I will revisit this matter by the end of his tenure, for now the economy is “nothing to write home about”.Pls with due respect Nigerians stop abusing yourselves it is wrong.
Ask your father
Working to sell the country patapata, Nigeria for sale, who go buy ? No be them, abi you and I get money to buy Nigeria, he is really working ooo ooo
Yep he actually does!
Jamb question
He is an abstract worker huh
He is working on the past administration, no new projects commissioned, hunger is order of the day
He is working Bcs no one can give alumajeri money or food any more. They will see change tire
He is only walking and flying but not working.
He’s working
From pmb antecedent. He is not working because even as a general he failed. He failed in many elections. After sixteen years of waiting he finally got a chance and now wobbling and fumbling to final.
Igbo y can’t we stand for d truth. His nt working.see wat he has changed Nigeria into.I can’t wait for Nigeria to be divided so to kW wat d go called husan hs
If u ask me na who i go ask
as for me for now BUHAry is not working I don’t no about later but now is 0%
Working what. He is just a tourist
He is not
Only God will help us
Nigerians can easily forget the past, check fuel issues, boko haram, power supply, corruption and many other yet to see efforts of this government, in reality this government is working just that our financial status is infinitly negative by our past leaders that never think of future than to suck the national honey to themselves and family. Let us join hands to make the country great .
NO o
he’s not working but he’s worsting
Yes…How about Ghana pers
Yes he is working
I dn’t tink so
The tourist president . He is the best president of Nigeria . The best in making promise . The best in denying his promise . The best in doing nothing .
Sleepy sleepy…
No, me I’m dieing of hungry.
That is a picture okay?
Hell no he’s busy travel ng opotunity dat he didn’t hàve before
At all
Hmmmm..He is pretending ooooh dnt mind him. He want pple to say he’s working hard..
Yes o he is working and dts y everything is cost. (What kind of work r u talking about anyway?)
To be honest he is working
Ask the northernans
Yess oo.. atleast he had used almost 1 n half yr blaming jonathan nd i believe he wil do more after he has finished apportioning blames on past administration.
What is he doing here? Has he forgotten his office in the sky
His is not doing anything
Yes he is
Yes he’s working , by sending people to early grave ……
An adage says”A fool at 40 is a fool forever, Nigeria has pass 40 then what are Nigerian now?
No truth at all in Niger
Buhari will start working the day he will start probing every body found guilty of money laundering, PDP have been probing for money laundering, but does it mean APC are saints, because I haven’t seen any member of APC found guilty of money laundering, so who’s deceiving who, only ya’adua could bring Nigeria from sinking, death took him away, apart from him, I have not seen any president that meant well for Nigeria. Our only hope now is biafra buhari can’t save Zoo from this hardship!
If Naira have evenly elevated to #450 per a Dollar since Mumy gv birth to me dat means buhari is working but if not, d case remains dat buhari is not doing anything there.
He is working, may God eliminate enemies of progress in Nigeria.
Oboki buhari, shine my shoe
The president is seriously working , I believe every citizen can it the difference from the past government and the current one so he working