Toyin Lawani’s first child and daughter,Tiannah is all grown .The fashion designer and entrepreneur,celebrated Tiannah who just turned 14.
The elated mother revealed she was surprised at the rate her first child was all grown up and declared that everything she owned was in her name (Tiannah).
Read below ;
She makes me feel old ????? Tiannah wants to Give me heart attack , trust me she grew so fast , I’m like whattttt??????Help me lord as about to post Tiannahs new pictures ??
Happy Birthday Princess Tiannah , you Blessed my life at the Age of 23 ,you came and showed me how to double up my hustle ,just to care for you, you keep Topping your Grades, Taking care of others is your hubby.
You Relive my stress with your brother ,help me in the sewing and mixing factories, you bring your own ideas on Board and you lead, you have always had a mind of your own, all I work for today is in your name and I know you will take the legacy on ,
As I have taken my moms own on, with her works , Godbless you my child ,Go learn , come back and take over the world ,I’m super proud of..