A transgender woman, @zayaperysian shares her disappointment after being given a new passport that contained her former sex instead of the new.

This was a result of the new US president, Donald Trump’s law that inhibits LGBTQ+ rights and enforces only the biological sexes as legal and proper.

This is as a result of the new USA president, Donald Trump’s law that inhibit the LGBTQ+ rights and enforces only the biological sexes as legal and proper.

Reactions that trailed Zaya’s vent online were dissimilar; while some sympathized and connected with her plight, others gave homophobic comments. Read some of them:

~vi: honestly who cares, it’s just a little letter that no one pays attention to and means as much as you want it to.

frittata_king: Go girl, it is well with you my dear brother

wedecoach: Donald Trump Dey help God start judgement before Jesus go come 🤣🤣🤣💀 there is about to be so much confusion in their world 🤣🤣🤭

wenecomputers_store: If this is only what trump can get in place , he as done a generational correction America would never forget him, his legacy of sanity.

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