Zimbabwean man cries

A Zimbabwean man has taken to social media to expose his wife of three years after discovering that she is HIV positive and has been hiding her status.

In a video shared online, the man revealed how he found out that his wife is HIV positive and has been secretly taking antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) throughout their marriage.

The distraught man mentioned that he discovered his wife’s secret while praying and received a revelation about the location where she hid her drugs in the house.

“This seat here, there is something that I want to show you which my wife has hidden for all the three years of marriage. In my prayers, God has shown me and today I’m going to expose her. I thank God that I have found this truth,” he wrote.

Zimbabwean man cries

He further disclosed that his wife made a hole behind their couch and hid her drugs so that he wouldn’t see it. He then proceeded to remove a black nylon containing the ARVs.

“You can see this while here. She has deliberately removed this cover underneath. So I will pull it out. You can see I’m pulling it out. It’s here. you see the thing that she has hidden,” he explains before unwrapping a blue bottle of TLD (tenofovir/lamivudine/dolutegravir), an ARV regimen recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the preferred first-line treatment for adults living with HIV.

He then lamented about how much he trusted his wife and stood by her through thick and thin, only to be betrayed by her lies and deceit.

He said;

“A warning to those who want to get married. You can see the tablets here. I trusted her with all my heart and my soul. I stood with her in all her sickness and all her troubles but this is what she does to betray me. She is taking ARVs and I am exposed to the disease. She doesn’t care whether I die or I live. So I’m just an object for her to use.To take me for a ride. She doesn’t care the children that I have they still need me. They’re young. I thank God for this revelation.”

Watch the clip below,

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