pregnant girl

4. Abortion is violent:

The most common method of abortion used in early pregnancy is suction aspiration. The cervix is forced open. A vacuum device 29 times more powerful than a home vacuum cleaner is used to suction out the “contents of the uterus.”

A D and E is performed after 16 weeks. As in the suction method, your baby is torn to pieces, but this time the abortionist uses a special instrument to tear the arms and legs from the body.

He punctures her soft spot, suctions out the brain and crushed the skull, then removes the remaining body parts.

Another method done after 16 weeks is the saline abortion. A salt solution is injected into the baby’s bag of waters.

It poisons the baby and burns off her outer layer of skin. She actually convulses in pain for the hour or so that it takes for the solution to do its deadly job. The mother then goes into labor and gives birth to a dead baby.

A hysterotomy (last trimester) is done by making an incision in the mother’s abdomen. The unwanted child is lifted out and left to die.


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